How to bookmark content on Ecency?

Ecency has great search functionality but in itself, it can be overwhelming or complicated to find exact content you are looking for and it takes time to remember and find exact keywords from close to 100 million content on platform.

Also not always you have got enough time to read posts which seems interesting for you, that's why Ecency gives you a better way to "save" a post. You would like to engage and read content later, simply bookmark it and come back later to read and engage. Or you have found great tips, guide, DIY content, which you want to refer back and find when you need it, bookmarking is here to help and make it easy for you. As usual, you can bookmark content on Ecency mobile app as well as website.

Here you can see steps of bookmarking posts and finding that again quickly:

1. On news feed, select a post or comment.

You can open post or comment and bookmark from there with single click. Bookmarking with your default Internet Browsers also works, but if you are accessing Ecency from desktop app or mobile app, then bookmarking within Ecency makes more sense and helps you with navigations and organizing contents.

2. Bookmark and un-bookmark content

Icon looks like this on the top of the post and click it, it will save this post on your bookmarks. If it is successfully saved in your bookmarks icon will turn to blue colour.



If you wish to remove a post from your Bookmarks, just repeat this step again, click that blue icon


3. Find all bookmarks

On your "Bookmarks" page, you will be able to view all of your bookmarked posts and comments.



Congratulations you have learned bookmarking post and comments on Ecency.

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