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MX Linux on Old Hardware
The video demonstrates the installation of MX Linux on a dual Pentium 3 workstation from 1999. The host notes that MX Linux is a lightweight distribution that can run on older machines. The installation process involves replacing the AGP video card, adding more RAM, and using a DVD drive. After some initial issues, the installation is successful, and the desktop environment is functional. The host explores the capabilities of the system, including running a web browser and attempting to run modern software.
The experiment raises questions about the practicality of running modern Linux on extremely old hardware. While MX Linux itself runs well, the limitations of the Pentium 3 processors make it difficult to run newer software. The host concludes that the value of such experiments lies in the journey itself, rather than the end result.
Hardware Modifications
- 📈 Upgraded RAM to 512 MB
- 📀 Replaced CD ROM with DVD RW drive
- 🖥️ Installed PCI-E to PCI adapter for video card
- 📺 Added DVI-capable monitor
Installation Process
- 📁 Installed MX Linux on a 40 GB boot partition
- 📁 Created an 8 GB swap partition
- 💻 Set up fstab to enable swap on next boot
Software Compatibility
- 🌐 Net surf web browser works well
- 📊 Falcon web browser does not work due to segmentation fault
- 🎮 Sour BR game does not work due to lack of support for newer instructions
- 📞 Ancient version of Zoom works on the system