5 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2638: Did you authorise this?


This post was inspired by today's 5-minute writing prompt in the Freewriters Community - 5 february 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2638: Did you authorise this?

Enjoy !


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Junior Clerk of Works Fitch felt his heart quiver when the Minister stormed into his office. Minister Smith was notoriously hot-tempered, and his body language indicated that he was (as always) angry about something.

"Did you authorise this ? Well ? Did you ?"

He slammed his hand down flat on the desk, and with it a printed out photo. A yellow door on what was obviously a government building.

"I... I just followed instructions from Senior Clerk of Works Underwood, sir"

Without another word, the Minister snatched the paper back and stormed off down the corridor. Fitch heard Senior Clerk Underwood's door bang open and the Minister's voice angrily shouting.

"Underwood ! Did you authorise this ? How dare you ! You know that under the new government all official building doors are to be painted red !"

The Senior Clerk was flustered by the surprise entry of the Minister.

"Sir, I approved it, but I didn't authorise it. That came down from Manager of Works Clark. You'll need to speak with him about it. Sorry, Sir"

Another slammed door, and another door banged open. More softly this time; the higher up the hierarchy you were, the better the soft closers on your office door.

"Clark ! Underwood tells me this is your fault. Did you authorise this ? I will not have doors painted yellow in my department."

"No sir, Underwood is mistaken. I signed it off, but I was acting as per the directives issued by Under-Secretary Kent. You should probably talk to him about it."

The Minister stomped off. The next visit didn't involve slamming doors. Kent was his personal Under-Secretary, and had to be treated with at least a little respect.

"Mr Kent, I've spent the last half hour being bounced from pillar to post. Everyone pushes me up to their superior. From Fitch to Underwood to Clark to Kent. Someone painted a door yellow. Did you authorise this ?"

"Hmmm, let me see Minister. Ah yes, I remember now. Briefcase three, box twenty four. There were a dozen or so documents in there requiring your signature, mostly related to ensuring the government could meet it's manifesto pledges of cost savings by not disposing of existing stocks, rather by using them up before issuing new specification stock."

Kent smiled wolfishly. "So in the final analysis, the person authorising it was you, Minister."
