RE: A Plague of Mushrooms

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Thanks for your reply ! Yep, most fungi aren't too much of a problem, and do an essential job. But for some reason, honey fungus doesn't seem to have a natural predator or control around here.

Yew berries are sort of poisonous. The house I grew up in had a big one at the front, and every year a couple of the schoolchildren who walked past ended up in hospital from eating the yummy-looking berries. It's actually just the pip in the middle of the berry that's bad, the red part is edible. Nature designed them so that birds would eat the berries, enjoy the red bit and pass the seeds out before they dissolve, but the human digestive system is a bit too thorough (and slower). Oh, and yew leaves and bark are poisonous too, but I doubt many people eat those....


I didn't know that you could eat the flesh of the berry - that's so cool. I knew that yew was trad a good wood for bows though.
