Litle things done is better


Sometimes it is better to have little things done than just having a huge dream, but it is all just a dream without any concrete steps to make it happen. I am not saying that dreaming big is bad, but all those dreams and ideas will only be dreams without any action.

But yeah, for me getting the little things around us done, is a lot better than those big dreams that you never ever trying to realize it. Not even one step is done to make it happen because all you have about it is only in your mind.

But that doesn't mean that having it on the brain will make you a step closer, but trying to break it down into smaller pieces, and get it done little by little is a nice thing to do to really achieve those dreams.


Don't listen to those who belittle your actual action to get things done, even though it looks really small to maybe insignificant, but over time those little things will help you to reach those big dreams that you have in your brain.

so take action now, and make it big.
