Top Contributor Contest Week 64


Hey Hey hey hey, does anyone miss me? Too sad that my last post was 6 days ago. yes I have been very busy in my real life, and when I do have time, I hit a writer's block, and all of the sudden, my last post was already 6 days ago. Times flies pretty fast, too fast if you don't have anything on your side.

But here I am now, hopefully could be very active from now on, or maybe if I have to stay away, I only need to be away a day or two only, and not for that long (again)

Anyway, welcome to my Top Contributor Contest week 64. And keep those post coming to the community.

But I would not stop to encourage you to follow all the guides and the rules here on Hive, so that all you hard work won't wasted if youare caught breaking those rules. So again, have fun and enjoy your time here on Cent Community.

Image by Freepik

As usual, I will send out the reward tomorrow after I finish counting the posts made by each contributor in the community.

Please kindly read and follow the rules and guidelines that I made for the contest if you want to join it. Be respectful to the others and always have fun.


  1. Contest starts every Monday 00.00 UTC time.
  2. One post per account per day limit, you can make more posts but only one will be counted to reduce spam.
  3. Minimum 100 words long post, please show that you really want to contribute to the community.
  4. Post in Cent Community. It is obvious, isn't it? You can use any frontend since the Centblog is not up and running as far as I know.
  5. Have fun, yes have fun. This contest is for us to have fun in Cent Community and make it come alive again.


  1. The First Winner will get 2 HSBI shares.
  2. The Second Winner will get 1 HSBI share.


  • You can send me the link to the post that you made in the comment, and please make it like a thread, so it will be easier for me to count
  • My Count is final since it is my own contest, and the reward is from me. You can make a dispute, but please be nice.
  • I will do the counting manually because I am not such a geek who knows how to pull the desired data easily. So bear with me.
