What do you enjoy about Wrestling?
It's a simple enough question. I'm sure everyone has their own reasons for actually watching wrestling.
It could be to generally see the muscled embodiment of Alpha males, or to gawk at the hot women. Attraction to other humans is a story as old as time. That's why we've got celebrities and stars.
It could be about the "fights". Kids try all the moves at home, even if every episode specifically warns everyone "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME". I'm pretty sure even adults attempt the moves even if they know it's all a big show (no pun intended to the big guy). Although who knows if some adults are actually delusional enough to still think it's real? 🤣
Personally, for me, it's all about the corny storylines. I haven't watched it for ages, so I can't attest to what's going on now. But back as a kid, I thought the over the top story was really fun, almost comedic even. Even when I knew it wasn't real, I still enjoyed the "acting". I feel that the wrestlers actions and attempts to speak are sometimes so exaggerated that it becomes "so bad that it's good".
It's probably no surprise that quite a few wrestlers have transitioned to Hollywood acting fame. Off the top of my head, the 3 biggest ones now are "The Rock", "Bautista", and "John Cena". I think it's no surprise that quite a few of their movies have comedic elements in them. Their years of training in the WWE have probably inadvertently (or not) turned them into people who can bring a smile and chuckle to any audience.
What do you think? What is it (for anyone who still watches or used to watch) about wrestling that you enjoy? 😜
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