The Joy About Value Investing, Hive, And Crypto!


I went to my local library at the beginning of the week to one of my favorite sections, where I can find books about investing and finance. What I like is discovering new books because I like to have fresh ideas from new authors or something fresh to digest. Information change rapidly and is important to stay ahead of the curve reading. Maybe I need to schedule myself to read for one hour a day to increase my financial IQ.

I took three books and one of them was about investing and the core of the book focuses on value investing. The book on himself is easy to digest, with a lot of advantages about value investing. 250 pages of great information if you are someone who loves investing. So far, at the time of writing this article, I have read half of the book in less than two days.

What I like the most so far

They proved over 100 years of stock market history that value investing outperform hot stocks in the long run. The book provides a lot of insight into this area. People have a tendency to always focus on the hot tips or latest trends from Wall Street. I know is fun to buy a stock just because it is going up like crazy. Most of the time, people buy on top and sell them at a loss. Investors want to make a killing in a short time without the willingness to do research and rely on information from the news.

Another important fact that I have learned is dividend stocks always increase no matter the bad events. Despite wars, recessions, and all the bad stuff the market face. Dividends always resist and go up in the right direction with a proven track record of 100 years in the stock market.

I found this information truly useful because I invest in dividend stocks for the last 2 years. The author mentions if you want to see the result of investing in good stocks, always target a timeframe of 3 to 5 years. In my case, I intend to accumulate my assets to eventually just live from that passive income source.

My focus

I am in a stage in my life where I take action to increase my financial literacy about everything about crypto, the stock market, business, and so forth. We learn about applying the information we learn, digest, and apply.

I buy dividend stocks every month and accumulate those beautiful assets. I have a lot of pleasure in doing this cool process. When you are passionate about something is very easy to do it without thinking. Every morning I find the energy to read great content about finance in this awesome community, with Leo Finance as an example.

Another thing I find exciting is when I receive a small payment in my Hive account and put it on the saving at 20%. It is a stream of income that increases slowly and steadily. **I have almost $10 and my interest is already at $0.14! **

Last word

I plan to finish this awesome book in the next few days and apply this knowledge to accumulate my dividend stocks. Receiving interest every month to buy more stocks is a fun process. The same thing applies to the interest we receive at 20% in the blockchain.

Value investing and crypto provide a way to build wealth toward financial freedom. It is not something you build in one day buy if you enjoy the ride. The result will pop up more rapidly than you think.

