Being a Responsible Adult™ Sometimes Drains All My Energy!
I realize I quite often talk about not having a lot of time on my hands, and struggling to get everything done in the allotted time.
Somehow, I can't help but feel it's just a byproduct of living in our day and age. At least that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!
When I look back across my day today, I can quite honestly look at it and say I got a lot of stuff done! I "adulted well."
In that usual way of life - it being Monday - there was banking to be done, and packages to be packed up and taken to the post office, and supermarket shopping to be done, bills to be paid.
Of course, there was also the inevitable hour (or hour-and-a-half) spent just wading through a bunch of email screaming for my attention, even though most of that email turned out to be junk that I didn't actually need to look at. Even so, it takes time to sift through it all, simply to determine that it's just junk.
Another thing that invariably eats precious hours off the clock is spending time "correcting" things that have gone wrong. This would include such things as subscriptions it turns out you've been double charged for, or subscriptions you've been charged for that you never actually agreed to subscribe to.
Don't you find it annoying and time consuming and frustrating when you signed up for a "free trial" for something, and then cancel it well ahead of the deadline date for the free trial to end, and then - all the same - there ends up being a charge to your bank account, or your credit card?
Invariably, more time has to be wasted by getting on the phone and waiting on hold for a long time because most companies no longer actually have live human beings answering their customer service lines. And then, when you eventually speak to some person they have no idea what you're talking about and it requires research and call backs and goodness knows what else.
Yes, I'm sure their default assumption is that most people "won't bother" with some $3.99 charge... but once you end up with a few dozen of those little charges, it adds up to a small fortune and you slowly bleed to death, financially speaking.
These things are a reality of life, but when I read back what I've written, it sounds like an endless litany of complaints, and I should just lighten up.
Whether it really is, or not, I can't help but think that we just waste more and more time doing things that actually aren't contributing to the quality of our lives. Instead, we're just spending loads of time engaged in what one might call "busy work."
As I've said before, there are lots of pundits out there who claim that we "have it better than we ever had it before," and we have more benefits than we've ever had before, but I find myself pondering to what degree that is actually true. Or perhaps not the degree to which it's true, but the degree to which it is worth it, considering how much time we spend correcting what went wrong with these "helpful" things we allegedly have been gifted, thanks to "progress."
We've almost made it to Halloween, and I noticed today that even though we're only a few days before Halloween there are already signs of Christmas decorations going up in some of the stores.
Whereas I feel a little bit annoyed by that, I also recognize that we live in an uber-commercialized society, and everything revolves around making every last possible sale you can, relating to the seasons you're in.
Am I cynical? Well perhaps so, but I think it's with good reason!
But surely, there must be more to this whole thing than being sold to and consuming.
As I cast about for anything positive to say about all this - and I assure you that I really was trying not to write a negative post - I guess the positive thing is that the crypto markets look like they're going up!
Today, Bitcoin reached its highest point since May of 2022 and things are looking somewhat solid. Even Hive is slowly creeping up although it always seems to be the last token that increases in value anymore. Still, I have gratitude for that!
And I think that's going to be the note I choose to end up here.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my "lament," and I hope you have a great week ahead!
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Created at 2023-10-24 00:46 PDT
A lot of people are so happy about the crypto price now
I feel good too
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