Brief Interlude...
The thing about being really busy is that you end up having no time.
Makes sense, right?
One of the things that I have come to recognize about myself is that it really annoys me when I don't have any time on my hands. I tend to be a somewhat slothy person in the sense that I'd rather be doing nothing than constantly be busy, so when I find myself in a time period where I'm constantly on the run it gradually makes me more and more annoyed.
And yes, I'm perfectly well aware that some people are excited by the fact that they're always busy and would hate to be sitting still. I am not one of those!
One friend — somewhat unflatteringly — once observed that it seems like a small miracle that I have made through as much life as I have unscathed, given my "slow" nature!
Well... who is to say I'm actually "unscathed?"
So here I am, grabbing a few minutes to write a blog post... even though I don't have time to do so... and even though I know that writing a halfway decent blog post generally takes me 60-90 minutes, right now I'm giving myself 15, which is a bit of a joke.
I'm also annoyed because the voice-to-text feature on my phone no longer works, which means more typing (slower) which wastes more time. This is really just part of my phone no longer working, because I can only have phone conversations with people with the speakerphone on now.
”Oh, you should just get a new phone!”
Absolutely right! Are you going to underwrite it for me?
I suppose a little bit of my annoyance and frustration also stems from the fact that we are at our final arts and crafts show of the holiday season this weekend and things today were particularly slow, with sales running about 50% less than they were last year… in spite of the fact we have better selection and a better display than we had in 2023.
I know we are not alone in that, mind you, as I saw one particular vendor whose wares have historically been so popular she often packs up and goes home by Sunday lunchtime because her booth is practically empty, and she still had plenty to sell when the show shut down this evening.
This, in turn, is making me feel a little bit anxious about the true state of the economy. We're in that "dead water period" between an election and a new government actually taking effect. To be honest I have no idea what 2025 is going to look like!
But hey, I'm going to try to stay as positive as possible and just hope we have a great day and catch up tomorrow! Frankly, I'm super tired of "disappointing" always being the "soup of the day" in our world!
But enough about that... time to leave this day behind and head for the next one.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Sunday!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
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Created at 2024.12.14 22:41 PST
I sure hope Sunday is a FAR better day for you all at the show.
Thank you! In the end it wasn't great, but Sunday somewhat helped rescue the event for us!