Crypto Speak: I Don't Think That Means What You THINK it Means!

I guess we humans have all sorts of different approaches to life.

Some like to really make themselves seen and stick out; others are forever blending into the woodwork. Some are always trying to be leaders and "in charge of everything," while others are life's perpetual followers.


It all creates a mix of personalities, engagements and relationships that typically work out in some way. Is it to everyone's actual benefit? I'm not so sure about that part of the equation...

In online communities, I've noticed that there are often sincere experts on certain things... but there's also a group I'd describe as "sound-like experts."

It's like they know all the "right things" to say; they know all the jargon; they ask all the "right" questions... but they don't actually know what any of those very learned-sounding words mean, outside a very superficial grasp.


Back when I was much more active in several psychology forums and communities I often noticed people who would come in with great "authority" and had a knack for what I would call "science speak."

They had the ability to go on at length about a topic while sounding very scientific, while those of us who really knew about the science realized they were actually just blowing so much hot air!

I've noticed this to be very prevalent in the world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies — which, after all, are quite technical — where a large number of people comment and engage and sound like they know what they are saying, but if you actually read their thoughts for a while, you soon enough realize that they are just faking it.

Maybe it's something we all do — to a lesser or greater extent — in an attempt to "fit in" to something that seems hip and popular, yet is far outside our normal interests and approach to life.


As someone who has typically kept most of his wisdom (hah!) to himself, this tendency to try to assert a sort of "false authority" has long baffled me. Although - I suppose - some folks are very involved in life's popularity contests.

I just prefer to distance myself from that particular circus!

But you also have to be very careful of those who speak like experts, making sure that you don't just take their statements at face value, which could easily lead you astray... for no greater reason than they sound good, but know nothing!


Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your weekend!

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Created at 2024-04-13 01:50 PDT



I have come across people like this both online and offline. What I really don't like about them is that instead of letting people know that they are not perfect in this area and also still learning, they go on misleading people by using big grammar trying to make themselves sound "woke". When I hear people like that, I just shake my head and smile inward.



The things people do to feel among and looks like they know what's up. Things can be a lot more great if everyone sticks to the things they really know and not faking things.

Hello to you from a fellow #dreemerforlife


People need to realize that what you know will always speak out for you, the ones you don't know must be learnt in silence and not pretending to be in the level you haven't attained to.


Yeah, I can agree to that. We try so hard to fit in most times that we let ourselves get swayed into a world that we couldn't be more far away from. Happy to have you here, Denmarkguy. And by all means, do feel free to dispense those pearly words of wisdom.🌺
