Late Night Musings on the Tricky Business of Telling People About Hive
Lately, I have been thinking about "that thing" that often go through people's mind: What is the best way to approach "outsiders" with the idea of becoming part of Hive?
It's a bit of "an odd fish" because it really shouldn't be a big deal, right?
I mean, it's not like you're asking something to join your network marketing group. You're not asking them to spend a bunch of money to become a "member" of something.
So why is it so difficult?
I ask that because most people don't give even a fraction of a second thought to asking someone "Are you on Facebook?"
"Are you on Hive?"
We all know that it's true that Hive is a bit of a different kettle of fish...
We don't like to admit it, but it is a lot harder to use than your basic random web site. And there's a learning curve that's well beyond the fundamental "log in with Facebook/Google" standard most people are used to.
And whereas "cryptocurrency" is pretty much a household concept by now, the fact that people are familiar with crypto doesn't mean that they actually want to be involved in it.
So we end up with all these "reasons and rationalizations" for why we feel like we "have to be careful" about who tell about Hive.
Location, Location, Location...
The other thing I find myself considering is the question of whether it even makes sense to write an explanation of "What Hive Is," on the Hive web site. Let's face it, we already know what Hive is... so this isn't where the story needs to be told.
I have written about Hive on the blog attached to my artwork... which is on a completely different web site. So it's an external link pointing to Hive.
I'm still pondering that.
Somehow, it almost makes more sense to promote Hive in writings that have nothing to do with Hive.
But I don't like "promoting" as much as I like "coincidental invitations."
A "coincidental invitation" is some kind of post/article somewhere, that is not about Hive but which ends with something like "If you're interested in reading more of my work, you can find it here:" and then linking to my Hive blog.
The Problem With That...
... is, of course, that it's an approach that might work for me, but a lot of people in this community came here with no previous blogging/social media experience.
I have a half-dozen web sites elsewhere I can use as "anchors" to send people here. Most people don't.
Which brings me to the important point that there really isn't a single right way to tell people about Hive. We all have our individual niche markets and interests... and each might have its own unique approach.
One approach I have recently been thinking about is parlaying the fact that I have been part of Hive for over seven years — and thereby substantially absent from other venues — into some kind of "Dear Facebook, I've been cheating on you" post.
Makes me think back to my previous days in the marketing biz, and how important it is to know who your audience is, and then to speak directly TO them.
Sometimes I think we make the whole business of telling people about Hive far more complicated than it needs be!
Ultimately, it boils down to (a) What do I DO on Hive, leading to (b) who do I know who might also be interested in that.
In my case, dozens — if not hundreds — of people I was previously part of social blogging communities with, back in the late 1990s and up until about 2010.
That's my market. It may not be yours.
Which brings me to the next thing I've been contemplating: There's far less of a "sales pitch" involved when approaching a niche market.
What I mean is this: It's easier to point a garden enthusiast to a gardening community than it is to point them to Hive. So perhaps what matters in making the process of sending someone to Hive via a community needs to become more seamless.
Here's the thing... I kinda like this gig, and after seven years, I feel reasonably qualified to tell people to join it!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Sunday!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
Greetings bloggers and social content creators! This article was created via PeakD, a blogging application that's part of the Hive Social Content Experience. If you're a blogger, writer, poet, artist, vlogger, musician or other creative content wizard, come join us! Hive is a little "different" because it's not run by a "company;" it operates via the consensus of its users and your content can't be banned, censored, taken down or demonetized. And that COUNTS for something, in these uncertain times! So if you're ready for the next generation of social content where YOU retain ownership and control, come by and learn about Hive and make an account!

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2024-05-19 02:20 PDT
When people talk about social networks, I tell them thag I don’t enjoy all what they do there but I prefer Hive to every other one. That’s a way to stylishly invite them instead of talking about Hive and making them feel like it’s a scam platform
Yes, that's a pretty good approach... and it leaves other people to do the asking.
I tell them about the revenue from some of the top accounts here on the Hive. Remind them about what Facecrooks Zuckerdouche and others sites zillionair owners do with that money they steal. Ask them Why are they all gazillionaires? Remind them how these GoogleTriceptillianaires spend the billions of Monies that they steal from selling peoples private personal info daily.
If online I link them to this...
I miss Ryze... he was a pretty good storyteller and marketer. He had a good grip on the realities of Hive... but I recall he ended up on the wrong side of the "Hive is so amazing it markets itself" crowd...
I've tried the whole "Zuckerphuck is ripping you off" routine, but people seem hesitant to give up their convenience, just to have privacy.
But I keep trying!
Now I love todays post. The problem with Hive I have found when mentioning Hive to other people ... is What is Hive? I don't push it down peoples throats. If there is an interest there then I will see what aligns and then expand further. There are now lots of crypto social media sites, there are other crypto blogging platforms. Hive is great but as you pointed out, it is not a signup and go website. Too many OGs in Hive forget that.
Thanks for posting and Happy Sunday.
I never push Hive at anyone, either. My thinking of all this mostly was to formulate a good response to the growing subtext of "What happened to you? You used to be on Facebook all the time!" I've been experiencing.
Instead of getting all caught up in the whole Facebook sucks routine, I want to talk about a better alternative.
That is a great way to do it. Attacking something is not the way to win friends so to speak. I see Hive maxis on Twitter attacking everything and think no wonder people don't come flocking here.
Been a while since I have had the time to stop in but I was just telling my friend's son about Hive he is a baby really just getting into crypto and I was telling him he should check hive out. Hopefully he will be here soon. Btw your photo game is on point.
Welcome back, and thanks for your kind words!
I got our son on Hive, but only because he was interested in Splinterlands. Whatever it takes!
Don't know how much time I will have to post, as I been swamped with work but that is a good thing for someone who is self employed. The contract I have atm is keeping me busy and they are trying to hire me exclusively for their genre of business. If that happens it will keep me having a steady client that would be nice because my business isn't always steady in my industry. Unless you are working b2b and that is what I have ventured into over the last year or so.
6 days ago in #life by slobberchops (81)$0.00
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[-]bpcvoter2 (-5)(1) 4 days ago · Will be hidden due to low rating
[-]acidyo (82) 3 months ago
Haha at "I shouldn't make commercial" :D Maybe something to worry about when you have more youtube subscribers! Quite interesting content though, these things should get more subs on there and here.
1 vote
[-]gogreenbuddy (67) 3 months ago
Yeah thought that was funny too
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acidyo: $0.06
holbein81: $0.01
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@themarkymark @buildawhale farm