Not Everything Has to Have a Deep and Meaningful Significance... Does it?
The autumn rains have arrived, after a very dry summer.
Yesterday I decided — for no particularly good reason — to take a random drive after finishing the grocery shopping.
I drove to a small seaside park. I've been there before, but it's not a place I frequent because it's really not "on the way" to anywhere.
Ironically, it's located directly across from one of the largest Naval Munitions depots in North America. In functional terms, that means our small town will basically be a giant smoking hole in the ground if "serious" war should ever break out.
But I digress.
It's a rather wild little park, and the sun briefly broke through the clouds while I sat there.
A single curious seagull settled in on a driftwood log near me, perhaps hoping to snag some lunch scraps.
I sat there, for a bit, contemplating meaning.
I often pause in unlikely places to think up topics for writing. Lately, my inspiration has felt a bit thin... aside from maybe railing on about perceived injustices of the world and power hungry twats who want to crush anything and anyone who thinks differently from them.
But does everything have to be deep and meaningful? And why my attachment to that particular notion?
Some "old part" of my brain came to life and reminded me that if I just went along with creating "light and fluffy" prose about nothing at all... then "they" would win, right?
Lately, I have been reading a fair bit about Neurodivergence, a concept that always has been on my psychological radar, in one form or another.
I don't wear it as a label, nor do I use it to justify anything... but it does sometimes offer me a frame of reference that helps me... understand. Understand myself, and a small handful of people I relate to on a rather deep level... even if they don't necessarily recognize that they see the world through a slightly different lens of perception.
The first snows are starting to show up on our mountains...
Indeed, not everything does have to be deep and meaningful.
Sometimes, it doesn't have to be any more deep and meaningful than sitting in a small county park, just zoning out and watching the rapidly changing autumn weather. Squalls move in, and move back out... and there's nothing deep and meaningful about them.
Or maybe there is?
Or maybe it simply depends on who you are, where you are, and what you're doing in your life.
Sitting there served me well, though. I remembered that — in its original incarnation — blogging was largely a thought experiment for me. A catharsis, of sorts.
Writing was somehow freer then, perhaps because most of us had no expectations that anyone would ever read our words. Of course they did.
So what was the significance of writing all this?
Maybe nothing. Maybe it was just a reminder that our best writing usually is the result of not thinking about an audience, but just letting our thoughts flow.
Which is neither particularly deep or meaningful... unless, of course, it is...
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!**
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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2023-09-27 01:40 PDT
Yeah, sometimes, once in a while... it is... :)
Sitting in a comfortable place and enjoying what nature has gift us is the best ever. As for me I prefer anywhere near beach
Well I hope your bag of freshly purchased groceries didn't count frozen perishables among those items. If that's not the case, then please accept my condolences on the loss of your ice cream.
I thought about a couple of things more than others in the course of reading your article, and by the way, thank you for sharing; it was an enjoyable read, with provoking thoughtfulness. Thank you for the reveal at the end of your article too - I most enjoyed being disturbed by your headline, reinforced by the second sentence, having to endure my disagreement until the very end, for the contradiction. My favorite kind of vetting that results in culling the tl;dr crowd.
As a matter of support for your ponderance, I'll offer that, 'They' never win - My daddy taught me that "They and them are the biggest liars there are."
I'd also like to suggest that, perhaps, the notion that this little seaside park was, "...not a place I frequent because it's really not "on the way" to anywhere.", might be due to being in and of itself an actual destination; and by the sound of it, a destination offering solace for you in the form of great significance.
On another note, I'm beginning to see that many folks that publish here have a sort of extended footer, or addendum maybe, they paste at the end of their articles. I should consider fashioning one for myself if I get back to posting articles myself. In that section you mention that the editor you utilize is
, and I'm here inEcency
right now, having observed slight differences and features in the UI between them andHive.Blog
.Perhaps, if you don't mind, you could share what you think some of the pros and cons are between each of those three platforms when publishing on HIVE?
Once again, thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading it!
Kindest regards,
I suspect that many of the things I write or say are of no significance to many, but may be of significance to a few. Like you said, it depends on a lot of variables.
I'm glad that you were served well sitting there. There is nothing better than nature. Sitting in that place will help you to reason well and even have more time for yourself. Sitting in such a place brings out the real me