On Some Days, You Just Have to "Pivot!"
We have had a very unusual and unpredictable winter around here. Today, I had all kinds of good intentions for doing lots of work inside, but we suddenly had an unexpected sunny and warm day so I pivoted and we worked in the garden instead, for most of the day!
Maybe I'm just getting old and set in my ways, but needing to pivot seems to have become more and more of a regular fixture in our lives.
It's tempting to attribute it to the fact that it seems like everything in the world is geared towards shorter and shorter bits of time. You know, we get our news from 256-character tweets, rather than from reading a full article in a newspaper. People find it "normal" to change jobs every 6 months instead of every 6 years. Stuff gets shorter and shorter.
Of course, this was a different kind of pivoting, being on a more personal level. All the same, there I was, thinking about going in one direction and suddenly I'm going in a different direction and I just have to make the most of it!
I'm not complaining, mind you! It was really nice to be outside in the fresh air, in the sunshine, after being cooped up in the house for a really long time.
I think it's going to be a very interesting gardening season this year. Just since last fall we have had what seemed like the warmest November in December on record followed by some of the coldest days in 60 years in January and February, and now we are being promised a very cool and wet spring... except for the next four days, which promise record warmth for mid-March.
For today, I am just grateful that we got some of the debris wood from winter storms picked up, and our rather dilapidated fence repaired, and Mrs. Denmarkguy even picked a nice batch of freshly sprouted nettles which promptly was turned into a nettle cake for international Pi Day.
Yes, today was Pi Day: 3.14.
Speaking of pivoting, I am really hoping that we're not going to have too many pivots in the cryptosphere over the next few months.
It seems like things are wanting to go up, and Bitcoin has been making new highs but then I find myself wondering whether the rally has stalled again.
I guess I would be less concerned if I wasn't reliant on selling some of our crypto assets to pay for our rather sky high property tax bill which comes due on the 31st of March.
Whereas I'm inclined to agree with all the Libertarians out there who insist that "taxation is theft," simply saying that taxation is theft doesn't do you a lot of good when the ostensible laws are written in such a way that the state can throw you out of your house if you don't pay your property taxes.
Springtime visitor
Anyway... I'm smiling somewhat to myself as I realize that this very post has become somewhat of a pivot!
Or, at the very least, it has become a rather piecemeal affair about life in general, rather than something that actually has a subject and deeper meaning.
Sometimes I have to pause and remind myself that this is, after all, my blog, and I'm not trying to publish a series of articles for a magazine that relies on me to be interesting and consistent in what I write.
Reminds me of one of the good lessons I learned in my very earliest days in this community over 7 years ago: We don't work for Hive, any more than we work for Facebook and Instagram when we post there. The fact that we happen to get rewarded here does not make us employees. As such, we can do pretty much what we want with our blogs. Just a friendly reminder!
Maybe tomorrow will go more according to plan!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Friday!
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Created at 2024-03-15 02:06 PDT
I am well acquainted with the pivot. I sadly feel immense guilt on days I waste on frivolous "fun" pursuits of life instead of being productive. Kinda backwards I guess.