Seasons Change, So Many Seasons!
We often refer to seasons changing as something to do with winter becoming spring, becoming summer, becoming fall. And that's perfectly logical.
But pretty much all things have seasons, in one way or another. Even our lives have "seasons," in a way. We talk about people being "in the autumn of their lives" as representative of our retirement years. We might refer to a young person as "a spring chicken" although I know that's a pretty old fashioned expression!
But it also applies to things like projects and businesses and we might even say it applies to things like the cryptosphere itself. We use seasons as metaphors for the stages of a business life cycle.
What season are we in? What season are you in? Will it be "altcoin season" soon?
Today marked our first really nice and warm day with clear sunshine and no wind probably since the beginning of October. As such, we enjoyed having the windows open and being outside without needing to put on a sweater. You could say that we are emerging from hibernation season...
This also means that gardening season is right around the corner and we're going to have to start putting in our vegetable garden for the coming year.
For me, it also means that lawn mowing season is right around the corner as well. The lawn is already getting rather long and fuzzy and I have a feeling I'll need to start mowing within a week or so. I've never much liked mowing, and I always feel oddly "victorious" when another 50 square feet of lawn becomes a vegetable bed instead.
But what about the seasons of the human species? Or the planet, itself? How do they change, and when do they change? Is an ice age a "season?
I often think of creativity as having seasons... I certainly know that mine ebbs and flows on some kind of cycle... and it's not a very convenient thing when you are working in a creative field. At the moment, I feel like it is seriously waning... maybe it will go better tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful remainder of your weekend!
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Created at 2024-03-17 02:40 PDT
Season also has a way of changing our routine. Imagine during the rainy season, we gotta drink something warm almost all the time to keep us warm and others like that
Haha, I think your creative vibe/season is doing very well my friend. Gardening season, spring season, and yes, "altcoin season". I love mowing the lawn, but like you, I wish I had more growing space for my veggies. I actually took out my large garden a few years back and now wish I had not put grass back in. lol