Silly Topics That Become Irrelevant
When I get completely stuck as to what to write, I resort to looking through my several dozen "scratch files" I use to make random notes whenever ideas pop into my head — usually at inconvenient moments,
As I was looking for inspiration this evening, I realized just how often I use these documents to "vent," far more than to actually preserve worthy ideas.
Some of these things — quit a few of which I wrote several years ago — retrospectively turn out to not at all hold up under the passing of time, and represent my knee-jerk reactions to some event, far more than something genuinely interesting.
As I did a bit of "creative house cleaning," I noticed how much silly and irrelevant stuff I started writing during the first 4-6 months of the whole Covid circus. Cabin fever? Did we all go a little bit crazy?
I guess what makes them sound so silly is the way they were written, before arriving at my current place with four years of hindsight and learning.
But that's just part of the human condition, isn't it?
We fly off at the mouth when exposed to something that makes us uneasy... without really thinking through whether or not we're making sense, in the greater context of human behavior.
In a way, it beings to mind childhood lifelessons from my parents, always admonishing me to think things through, before opening my mouth and showing the world how silly I am.
Earlier today — or maybe it was late yesterday? — I was all up inside writing my own commentary on the whole recent Decentralized Hive Fund incident... even though a whole bunch of others had already shared their opinion.
Just because we have an opinion doesn't mean we need to shout it at the world!
In the end, none of the ideas in my files sounded like something worth sharing, so I just deleted the whole thing... knowing perfectly well that I would otherwise come back in six months' time and draw the exact same conclusions.
There are many ways to be a so-called hoarder, and one of them is to be a hoarder of ideas and information, which I suppose I am guilty of.
Thanks for coming to visit my blog, and I hope you have a great week ahead!
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Created at 2025.02.17 01:34 PST