Tales From a Wandering Mind: Skipping Around Too Much!
Sometimes I can't help but think that part of the reason why we choose to not do a lot of different things is that we start to look at them, and then we discover just how much time and effort they will take.
Doing It Properly
All right, maybe I should elaborate a little bit on what I just wrote. I need to add the word "properly." I choose to not do a lot of things because I come to discover how much time and effort it will take to do those things properly.
I suppose I could argue that wanting to do things properly is a hangover from my childhood, where I was raised (at least in part) by a father who insisted that "if something was worth doing, it was worth doing well" and if you weren't prepared to do it well why bother doing it at all.
So what does this have to do with the wandering mind?
Well, as I have repeatedly stated on these pages, I tend to suffer a bit from "Too Many Interests Syndrome," known to some people as ADHD.
As I experience it, part of the problem is that I get into all these sidetracks and I have an overwhelming desire to make sure that I pay a lot of attention to their associated details and do them really well... even though they were never more than "momentary diversions."
But, like the rest of the world, I live in a world where the days have 24 hours in them, and those 24 hours have exactly the same amount of time available as they do to any other person in the world... who is perhaps only obsessed with building model trains instead of 43 different things.
Okay, so I don't actually have 43 different things I'm involved in but I do have too many, and they will take me too long to kepp up with if I were to actually pay full attention to any one of them.
What brought all of this on was my considerable time spent today visiting a number of my old Facebook groups, a couple of forums and some of my old blogs that I haven't been paying much attention to.
I was doing this in connection with tentatively coming up with the plan on how to promote our own Hive community through off site activity.
So this led me to a number of my old haunts online where I decided I needed to do a little bit of "tidying up" so it didn't look like a complete wasteland before I suddenly fire up with my efforts to promote Hive.
Doing Things Properly
If this all sounds a little bit like the crazy rantings of a tired madman that's probably because it is! It's rather late at night and I'm not really thinking in a straight line at the moment, although I do have a general idea of what I want the outcome to look like.
More on that in the following days!
For the moment, though, I've had a poignant reminder that I have had my fingers in far too many pies for far too long and I really need to get back on track here.
And that's all I really have to say about that. At least for today.
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!
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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly and uniquely for this platform — NOT posted anywhere else!)
Created at 2023-12-14 00:48PST
There’s a child with ADHD here in my school. Some people look at him like he’s not normal and so but I just chose to be close to him so he would not be feeling left out but truly, he acts weird at times