The Rains and Ebbs and Flows of Life
For the first time in a really long time, we got some significant rainfall today!
When I first moved to this upper left corner of the United States, it was always known as the "Rainy Northwest" to me, but it seems like the climate has changed a good bit even in the 20-odd years I have lived here.
Our summers seem to have become distinctly dryer and - on occasion - considerably warmer than they used to be.
I'm always happy to see these late summer rains come in. In a sense, it was very much the same when I was growing up in Denmark, as we drew close to my birthday - which is tomorrow, August 30th - we would also start to experience changes in the weather and we could tell that summer was almost over.
In some ways, having rain for my birthday actually feels like an excellent gift! It means that our very dry garden and parched lawn is going to start greening up again, and it also means that we will be moving towards that time of the year when we start going out into the forest to look for wild mushrooms.
Much like it were true in my childhood, mushroom gathering is still one of my favorite autumn time things to do!
I don't spend too much time reflecting on life around birthdays. Suffice it to say that this past year wasn't anything to write home about, and I sincerely hope that the year ahead will bring some more positive energy! Oh, and positive finances.
Since I'm more involved in the cryptosphere these days (as opposed to before such a thing existed), I suppose that some of my sentiments are considerably colored by the fact that we have been sitting in the middle of this bear market for so long.
In truth, my relative absence from the blogosphere over the last couple of weeks is primarily related to the fact that I simply can't justify spending time sitting in front of a screen, writing a blog for my own enjoyment... when I could be using that time to do income producing work somewhere.
And so, that's what I've been doing as of late. I'm also trying to ramp up both my jewelry supplies business and my rare stamps for collectors business. It has been slim pickings in the sales department, as of late.
It seems like every time we go to the supermarket and come away with a smaller bag of groceries that cost more money than ever, I'm reminded of the fact that things are not easy these days.
I'm not complaining too much, though, because there are many things to be grateful for. But we are definitely looking to make our lives simpler and less expensive, and that definitely also includes our food budget.
I guess that's what a lot of people face these days... we go along and recognize that we have to cut out more and more "little luxuries" and "niceties" from the budget... but I just feel that we'll eventually reach a point where there are no more niceties that can be cut out of the equation.
But, I guess we'll be okay as long as we can still buy the big 20lb bags of rice and beans and so forth and keep moving forward! That, and "200 creative ways to prepare potatoes!"
And, with that I guess I'm going to go and get myself some sleep. Thanks for stopping by and reading these words and I hope you have a marvelous remainder of your week!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
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Created at 2023-08-30 00:22 PDT
Happy birthday! You leveled up, so spend those experience points well.
Thanks! I do hope that "wisdom" is actually becoming more available at this level! 😄
Happy birthday! Yeah, it’s by a long haul. We on the other hand have come out of a summer with torrential rains. Farmers around here are hurting badly.
Yeah, you guys seem to have had some "uncommon" weather in recent years. Maybe it's just the world.
Thanks for the good wishes!
Happy Birthday
Thank you!
Happy Birthday, @denmarkguy! 🎶🎂🎉🥂🍾🎈. We are having 3 typhoons in two weeks here in Luzon, Philippines. As for you, have a great day and enjoy! 💞🎂🥂🍾
Thank you @diosarich! Stay safe, over there!
It's good that those 3 consecutive typhoons did not stay longer but the downpour continues in some areas of our country. Thanks. Stay safe as well.
Posted via D.Buzz