Why is There Always Something "Wrong?"
Maybe the world has changed — or maybe I'm just paying attention to things I didn't used to — but sometimes it feels like whenever you get to talking to somebody, be they an old friend or just your casually acquainted neighbor, the conversation almost immediately turns into a litany of complaints about everything that is wrong in their life; in the world.
I know the old saying is that "misery loves company," but is the only thing we can really connect with each other over whatever has gone wrong in the world, and in our lives?
Yes, I am well aware that blood and guts sell and the old saying in the newspaper industry was always ”if it bleeds, it leads” but I have to admit I'm just getting awfully tired of everything being negativity, drama and crisis!
Maybe it's the Internet and the "attention economy" we need to point fingers at. After all, it's very difficult to actually get attention in this cluttered circus of life, and so the use of clickbait is a pretty common practice. I saw that in practice earlier today when I noticed that one of my favorite (serious) podcasters was having a panel discussion about the transitioning government here in the United States but the title was phrased as if there were some burning emergency and the world was about to end.
Seriously, this dude does not need to resort to clickbait to get viewers — he has 8 million subscribers on YouTube!
Now I'll be the first to admit — having been born and raised in uber-egalitarian Denmark — that I was raised in an environment where being overly optimistic and talking about overly positive things was often equated with a form of bragging... which was not well seen.
But you can swing too far the other way, as well.
To be honest, sometimes it feels like I should almost be embarrassed to admit that I'm actually having a good day as opposed to a lousy one. And then it would be far more "appropriate" for me to talk about the fact that the lettuce in my vegetable garden is wilting rather than the fact that my tomatoes are giving a bumper crop.
If you look at it all from a deeper perspective somehow we seem to have turned a not particularly pleasant corner in which our competitive nature is gradually becoming more focused on who's worse off rather than who's better off. And I'm not talking about money here!
Of course, it's entirely possible I'm missing the point entirely here because I'm getting older and I'm hanging out with my peers who are also older people who have more and more aching body parts! I'm grateful for the fact that I have only a limited number of aching body parts and for the most part I'm still in pretty good shape as I approach my 65th birthday, later this year.
So anyway, this all came wandering through my mind because I was talking to my neighbor and he was on and on about vet bills, and then he was on and on about the swampy spot at the top of their property, and then one and on about the cost of the fence they just put up and then he was on and on about how his car had been unreliable lately and it just made me pause and notice how the conversation didn't really contain anything positive.
Undeniably, there is a lot of not so good stuff going on in the world… and the irony of the fact that I am here complaining about people complaining is also not entirely lost on me!
Anyway, sometimes I can't help but wonder if the deeper reason I end up watching so many funny cat videos is that they offer a funny and light-hearted counterpoint to the next person kvetching about everything that is wrong in the/their world?
Does there always have to be something wrong, in order for us to relate?
I hope not!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!
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Created at 2025.01.24 23:28 PST
I finished putting away Christmas (a big job!) and today I start planning my gardens and ordering seeds. That's a positive move!
Yes, that's definitely something "right! We're not far off getting seedlings going in the garage.
I might catch some flak for this, but I think it gets a little worse when we get older. Most people my age or older, love to complain about how their bodies are beginning to betray them. That's a sure theme for the convo...
Aging definitely has something to do with it... often because we have already seen some scenario unfold a dozen times with a similar outcome, and yet there's a whole group of people acting like that scenario "has never happened before."
My body is definitely in its "maintenance years" but it doesn't make for very interesting conversation...!
With age comes the "organ recital," and I do not mean a musical presentation. Politics has become ever more polarized, but this is one table as political power expands, and people have different beliefs about how it should be
imposed upon their foeswielded for the public good. Social media also encourages a kind of divisiveness I don't remember from years past. Maybe it just went over rmy head when I was younger, but people casually declare so-and-so is a literal communist or literal Nazi and call for their destruction so easily. Nuance is absent.That. Right there. I remember arriving in Texas from Denmark for college in 1981, and one of the very first comments I heard was "So, are you some kind of COMMUNIST?"
The ignorance... it BURNS.
So yeah, it has been around since... well, a long time. But the middle does seem to have been erased during the last few decades, a bit the the (illusion?) that there's actually a middle class between the "haves" and the "have nots."
That write up was priceless, lol.
Thank you... I suppose we all have our "grumpy days," now and then!
The next day I went to get my haircut. I get two, three haircuts a year and cut my hair myself in between. If I could see the back I'd never have to pay for a haircut, mainly I go just to get the back shortened and cleaned up. The stylist said we haven't seen you here for awhile. I told her I would have cut it again myself except my scissors came up missing, their probably where ever my toe nail clippers are that came up missing, family having to move in because the economy the way it is. I continued on that my hair dryer also got broken, somehow it fell off the cabinet in the bathroom so now I have to keep the new one in my room, along with my electric toothbrush, not that they were using it but because somehow things can just fall off the cabinet. The back scratcher with the fingers though, I went on, was a big one that came up missing. She laughed. I was walking out thinking about the silence during the rest of the haircut and reflecting back on what I had said when I realized I had come full circle over what I had read you wrote about the night before. Oh well, I thought. At least I managed to stay off the topic of politics. lol.
Well, I suppose it's only natural in some way that our hardships — little and large — are what we end up relating over. And in this world in which we live? Smooth sailing seems to be quite the rarity!
His challenges or the "bad" things he was thinking about may have lodged in his mind. The fascinating thing is research shows expressing and percieving gratitude appears to be correlated with a longer health span and life span. Likely a good motivator to limit use of legacy social media!
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I do believe that the whole "mind over matter" issue is far more important in our lives than most people give it credit for. The notion that "thoughts become things" is ancient... and even if there's nothing woo-woo about it — as some would like to believe — belief is at least a pretty powerful placebo. Including, having gratitude.
Agreed. Belief and rational positivity probably engages some useful mechanisms at a neurological level.
I think it is common for conversations to drift to physical problems as we get older and more things go wrong with our bodies. And I think certain ethnic groups and the populations of some geographical regions are more negative than others. When I moved to Minnesota as a newlywed, I learned that the heavily-Scandinavian areas tended to not be very optimistic or positive in their attitudes. Same goes for the Polish there. They seem to think that if you expect the worst, you're not disappointed if that's what you get. I married one of those people, and the older he gets, the harder it is for me to maintain my naturally-cheerful and optimistic mindset while faced daily with his doses of gloom.