Jon Stewart is a Joke!
Jon Stewart is washed up. I’ve never really liked The Daily Show. My sisters used to watch it when we were younger, but it never did much for me. To be fair, I did watch The Colbert Report for about a year or so, but even that show started to wear thin after a while. It became obnoxious.
Don’t get me wrong—I appreciate some comedy in news reporting. But it always felt forced, like it lacked sincerity. Most of the time, it just came off as thinly veiled propaganda. That’s why I never got into Conan, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, or any of the similar “entertainment” talk shows out there.
Jon Stewart, in particular, is a prime example of a joke that stopped being funny. Even after he was replaced by that unfunny South African guy—whose name I can’t even be bothered to remember—he remained irrelevant. Sure, Stewart had a few moments when he wasn’t completely biased, but overall, I’m just over him.
Frankly, when I hear that someone still watches Jon Stewart, I tend to dismiss them—and their political opinions—right off the bat. Is that unfair? Probably. Am I making assumptions? Absolutely. But at the end of the day, I’d rather not waste my time on people who take their cues from mindless news entertainment.