DailyJams For Wednesday January 29th! 🎸 Y2K Wednesday! Unwritten Law Band Spotlight! ALT2K Tunes!
On this DailyJam Wednesday Morning it’s Alt2k picks! Picking tunes from the 2000’s (Y2K). We are picking tunes from one band this Wednesday morning going band spotlight with The band Unwritten Law! They were more a punk band in the nineties who went more Alternative rock on the 2000’s albums. Ashlee picks the song Seeing Red from the 2001 album “Elva” and bonus jam from 2004’s “Here's to the Mourning”. Gene picks a tune from each the same records going with Up All Night (2001) & Save Me (2004).
How come you discover all these bands?
Do you listen to music every now and then?
Well, the songs are good