2008 Copper "Peace" Dollar
This is a copper "PEACE" dollar. It's not an actual dollar, as it says on the reverse of the coin itself: MSRP $1
If that wasn't clear enough, the text around the edge says "Notice: Not intended to be used as legal tender, current money or coin."
This token is one AV OUNCE copper, denoting lady liberty, the word "PEACE" and a motto "Trust in God" with the date at the bottom.
The token is called "LIBERTY DOLLAR" as a registered trademark. It is not an actual dollar, but the "Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price" is $1.00
It was determined in court that this design looks too much like "legal tender" from the us mint. The creator of this token and design is Bernard von NotHaus. In 2009, a federal grand jury brought an indictment against von NotHause of COUNTERFEITING US currency. He was arrested June 6th, 2009.
Currency, Not Coin
His most popular token is the SILVER LIBERTY, which had various MSRP "denominations". Bernard von NotHaus was quoted saying:
"We never refer to the Silver Liberty as a coin, nor as legal tender or current money. The word "coin" is a government-controlled term. This is currency that is free from government control."
Bernard von NotHaus was found guilty of making "counterfeit coins" because they resembled legal tender coins. North Carolina US Attorney Anne M. Tompkins described Bernard von NotHaus and the Liberty dollar as quote:
"A unique form of domestic terrorism... to undermine the legitimate currency of this country".
"While these type of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country." Anne M. Tompkins
Yes, the PEACE DOLLAR is a clear and present danger.
If you make a token look too much like a dollar, list the MSRP as $1, register the name "Liberty Dollar", despite any disclaimer... you are a domestic terrorist trying to undermine the United States of America.
According to the Associated Press:
"Federal prosecutors successfully argued that von NotHaus was, in fact, trying to pass off the silver coins as U.S. currency. Coming in denominations of 5, 10, 20, and 50, the Liberty Dollars also featured a dollar sign, the word "dollar" and the motto "Trust in God," similar to the "In God We Trust" that appears on U.S. coins."
"Whoever falsely makes, forges, or counterfeits any coin ... in resemblance or similitude of any coin of a denomination higher than 5 cents ... coined or stamped at any mint or assay office of the United States, ...or in actual use and circulation as money within the United States; orWhoever passes, utters, publishes, sells, possesses, ...any false, forged, or counterfeit coin ..., knowing the same to be false, forged, or counterfeit, with intent to defraud any body politic or corporate, or any person, or attempts the commission of any offense described in this paragraph -- shall be guilty of an offense against the United States. United States v. Von Nothaus, CRIMINAL DOCKET NO.: 5:09CR27-RLV, 12 (W.D.N.C. Nov. 10, 2014)
When asked about the government’s motive for accusing him of terrorism, von NotHaus replied, “This is the United States government. It’s got all the guns, all the surveillance, all the tanks, it has nuclear weapons, and it’s worried about some ex-surfer guy making his own money? Give me a break!”
Terrorism Token?
I am happy to own this token even if it has been called a "unique form of terrorism". I don't know, this token doesn't seem to terrifying to me. Perhaps it's only terrifying to those who MAKE money. As in, literally print trillions of paper dollars that have been declared "legal tender for all debts" by fiat decree.
The fiscal irresponsibility of creating trillions of dollars by fiat seems to me more "insidious" and seems to "represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country". But who am I to say, anyway.
I'm just glad to own this little piece of history.

Bless the Most High!
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That is a pretty cool token! Crazy that the guy was arrested for counterfeiting coins! That is pretty wild. We have a $1 coin here called a Balboa or Martinelli (after the president who decided Panama would have a $1 coin). Panama has its own coins, but no paper money - we use US dollars here. Apparently they recently released that these Martinellis are very easy to counterfeit, so they are pulling them from circulation. I've also heard that was fake news, so who knows.
Wow, they look like the Canadian $2.00 coin! I can't imagine these are too easy to counterfeit, but what do I know.
Maybe it's easy to copy in China? No idea really where it would be easy to copy the coins! My husband thinks he's seen some counterfeits though! And I know a lot of shops around here have "copied" dollar bills with holes punched in them. I fell victim to a fake $1 bill once. It shredded in my fingers when it got wet!
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USAing the reserve currency as a weapon.
Isn't this the pot calling the kettle ...dark?
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Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
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