Hive counterfeiting. An easy contest to win 10 HIVES.
HIVE is a decentralized social media platform built on blockchain technology which pays content creators and content "curators" in tokens of real value that they can trade.
However, if you've been on here long enough, you would know that giving away Hive to users provides no value to the platform. Because people tend to sell everything they get, run off, and not return. And what this does is create downward pressure on Hive and lowers the price.
Well, that seems to be the mindset of the biggest Hive stakeholders and main content "Curators" on Hive. And that's the reason why they don't want to attract nor do they wish to have more regular users on our "social network" on the blockchain.
Alright, but Hey!

Please, tell me more!!
It is said and many people tends to believe that we on the Hive ecosystem have around 2,488,467 registered accounts to date. Or what is the same, 2,488,467 users.
And that could eventually be true if we take into account the many Alt accounts and fake accounts under the control of the very same person. Like those accounts of communities, projects and bots who are also controlled by only one and the same person trying to farm and get as many rewards as they can for themselves from the communal rewards pool that we all collectively share. By posting their daily reports and upvoting themselves through their multiple Alt accounts with delegated HP or sometimes even "curating" the content of others, but only for their own exclusive benefit.
Although everyone knows. Or at least the well-informed majority here knows. That the truth is that in Hive there are barely no more than 4000 active accounts. No more than four thousand users who actually interact with the blockchain either by creating and publishing content, voting and curating content, commenting and interacting on others' content, playing within the ecosystem's gaming platforms or making financial operations in their wallets to withdraw and sell their tokens, power up/down or whatever.

Hive keeps ‘inflating’ itself by bringing on new users who become shareholders. But only a few here believe that each new user adds value to Hive. Until the point that it eventually ends up being worth it? So, they have to keep manufacturing new Hive tokens to give to new users, which is basically more inflation? But it’s ok, because users are valuable right? So Hive will keep increasing in value? Which would means it will continue being able to make payouts to everybody even as it grows? ¿Am I right?

Yeah, because everyone who earns anything on Hive is automatically a shareholder in Hive. Or an investor, or a stakeholder, or a part-owner, etc. And all that really matters is that you can earn rewards as HIVE or HBD tokens. So you can then convert your HIVE into bitcoin or any stablecoin or cryptocurrency. Which you can then convert to real money like US Dollars, €uros, Bolivars, Nairas, Rupees, ₱hilippine ₱esos or whatevah.
Well, unless...

Unless you have been arbitrarily included in one of those many "infamous lists" that the largest shareholders and big "curators" in HIVE love to create, "curate" and maintain so much out of pure boredom to further line their own fat wallets and pockets. As has already been said before, they are not interested in new users coming here to devalue their HIVE stake even more. ¿What the hell were you thinking about?
And it's in here where my easy contest comes in this long story so you can try to win 10 HIVES under the courtesy and sponsorship of my own opulent and bulging fat wallet.
¡Check this out!

As we have already mentioned in this post, currently in Hive there are no more than 4000 active users interacting in the blockchain. And I can tell you there are many accounts of the largest Hive Stakeholders & biggest Hive "Curators" here who have made their own mute lists & blacklists of around and not much less than those same 4000 accounts. And those who did not make it themselves, then they follow the "mute lists and blacklists" of those who made them. And this is precisely what the contest consists of.
¿Can you guess who this account belongs to?

Well, the contest is as simple and easy as the title of this post indicates. The first hive user who guess who owns this account shown above in the screenshots will be the one who wins the prize of the 10 HIVES offered in this post. And if that same user also guesses what other big and wealthy accounts follow this account lists, I will be willing to reward them with 5 extra Hives from my own wallet. So keep reading!
And so you can see that I really want someone wins this humble prize. I'm even gonna give you some clues to make it even easier for you to win it. All you have to do is «click» on the following link: and progressively going changing the username of the url in each batch.

This way it will be easier for you to check the accounts of the usual suspects and it will also be faster for you to win the prize. I really think I couldn't make it easier for you.
Oh! and another thing. If you really believe that this is an original contest and quality post that should be upvoted and rewarded but you don't want to lose your "curation" rewards when the big MoFo comes here to steal them from you.
Well, you always might reblog this post so that more people can see it and participate in this contest and therefore threaten to snatch the prize from you. Yeah, you can't always be so greedy. Because the more competition there is, the more fun the contests are!
And last but not least. I hope you «clicked» on either of the two images that start this post. Because then you might learn that it is indeed possible to reward authors for their work without expecting anything in return. Okay, let the contest begin. You have seven days to win it.
"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

I confess sometimes your humor upwells subtly.
Too subtly for my feeble intellect to grasp your meaning.
Hahaha, don't worry bro. I admit that my sense of humor sometimes requires of too many mouse «clicks» to be totally grasped.
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