My Splinterlands Conflicts And The Remarkable Madcap Magus
Calling all Splinterlands brave adventurers! It's finally time to raise your banners and light up the digital realms with adventures and remarkable bounties! Let's gear up, polish our weapons and go earn some Glint!
What's Glint? The new currency for ranked play, which can be used in the shop to buy all kind of stuff. I will cherish the bounty and hold the Glint for a legendary drop!
I am telling you that this is the Conflict that will bring me my first airdrop card! I did some efforts and improved the chances, got more War Wagons and filled them with better cards! This conflict will be remarkable!
I will take you on a journey, sharing my tales of triumph, weird strategies that led me to victory, and we'll cherished memories together. Join me in commemorating this remarkable milestone!
I've done remarkably well since they removed ranks limitations, and I've reached the Champion III rank. The progress helped me to farm a bigger amount of Glint per season. Even holding my pants in Diamond each season is truly remarkable!
However, they had to nerf it a bit with the "Wild Pass"! Pay2Earn as you will need it for wild games. Vouchers are being scrapped so the pass will get more expensive!
I feel that this is the Conflict that will finally give me an airdrop card! I bought some packs and staked some. Opened few and added more cards into the War Wagons!
Currently having 13 wagons and 6 packs farming at 7775 HR, and big hopes for the Jedi squirrel! The current hourly rate is forecasting 55 chances when this conflict will end, and may the odds be ever in my favor!
I want this summoner, as RISQRUEL DRATH has the force! Remarkable creature this Risqruel! He was renowned for his swift hands and an insatiable appetite for luxurious treats and shiny trinkets!
Risqruel’s curiosity nearly costed his life when he tried to steal a powerful fey rune etched into the bark of a sacred tree. The fey magic surged into Risqruel, awakening an intellect and magical prowess that were beyond those of a mere squirrel.
With the legions of Chaos destroying his beloved forest by the hectares in their hunt for rebels, he found a new purpose. The Fire/Earth summoner will give the Flying ability and +1 Ranged attack, plus a choice of other boosts! I want you Risqruel... you are remarkable! You could be my Little League Champion and the ruler of all creepy crawlers!
Want to see more remarkable news? Got a Chaos Legion pack and got a legendary in it! Zyvax Vuul has dedicated his life to understanding the arcane, covering his body with sigils and runes!
Those few that have witnessed him in combat describe a truly ferocious warrior that can fire his claws at the enemy, only for them to immediately regenerate, ready to tear into his opponents.
Risqruel Drath is a remarkable unit, same with Zyvax Vull... but they are no match for this fun guy! The Madcap Magus is at a whole new level! The little mushroom can beat even mighty djinns in duels!
Watch this remarkable battle and be amazed! Why? Because it was so random... and against all odds! This is the story of the crazy mushroom that lived to tell the story!
The tiny magus fought a golden foil Djinn Muriat and survived the challenge! He won against all odds! This small fungus creature managed the unbelievable!
Obsidian: +1 Magic Power to friendly casters
Legionnaire Alvar: Melee with Void Armor
Madcap Magus: Caster with Life Leech and Scattershot
Legionnaire Alvar got cripple with every attack the suffered, and his insane armor stats were almost useless against all those magical creatures. Even if the spells where hitting his armor, his health was getting lower and lower. Meanwhile, the Madcap Magus was gathering strenght and health! No one could predict what was yet to come!
Alvar was facing his demise with honor, and it was half-way through the fourth round when Muriat delivered the deadly blow! The Madcap Magus has turned into a lonely tank, and was ready for a battle that will be told for eons.
One magical mushroom against an all-mighty djinn and his lapdogs, the Cursed Slimeball and the Life Sapper. It looked like a flawless victory for my opponent .... but there's always luck and random.
The Madcap Magus was standing alone, with four health and a little armor... while the enemies were laughing! He could take down Djinn Muriat... maybe... but what about the others?
The Life Sapper shot and crippled the Magus, but he retaliated and sent Muriat into the void. It still looked fair and square right now... but the battle was far from over!
The Cursed Slimeball had it's turn, dealing damage and crippling the Magus... again! The Madcap was mad indeed... and his spell ignored the Slimeball armor. The deadly blow and life leech led to a one v one duel with the Life Sapper, which was already on six health!
And now was the moment that the bards sung about for generations! The beginning of the end for the Life Sapper, and how a little mushroom turned the tides of the battle in his favor through perpetual Life Leech.
You will say that the Sapper has this ability as well, plus Cripple on top of that, but this is how legends are born. We know that there are "magic mushrooms" around the world, but this one is not for the week!
What happened next is both surprising and poetical, as the Madcap Magus superior damage would slowly bring the Sapper down. This victory was also fueled by Obsidian's boost, that avoided a draw by fatigue!
It was like an endless cycle of hatred for rounds, with the Life Sapper spell crippling the Magus to one health and then the mushroom dude raising his health back after his attack. The only difference was made by the extra magical damage, and few round later it was clear that the battle was reaching the endgame!
The end is near... said every Doomsayer ever! But this time this call was for the Life Sapper! Mid-way through the twelve round ... it happened! The cycle of hatred was broken and the Madcap Magus sent the abomination to eternal peace! See the full battle here!
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I like this little shroom!
You got lucky again. Nice!
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121