Splinterlands 1-Click Rentals And Other Remarkable Stories
Calling all Splinterlands brave adventurers! It's finally time to raise your banners and light up the digital realms with adventures and remarkable bounties!
I will take you on a journey, sharing my tales of triumph, weird strategies that led me to victory, and we'll cherished memories together. Join me in commemorating remarkable milestone and legendary drops!
Let's gear up, polish our weapons and go earn some Glint! What's Glint? The new currency for ranked play, which can be used in the shop to buy all kind of stuff.
The Glint farming is going well so far! Doing between 12,000 and 15,000 per season, and using it to claim rewards. I even got a Beta pack! In the early days I used the Glint for reward chests but now I am holding it until it reaches 25k. That's the amount needed to claim a legendary card.
It took me two seasons to do that but was worth it! I Spent 25k Glint and Musa Saline showed up! Will be a great addition to my magical teams, with Scavenger and only three mana cost!
He's the head of the army of Tsuna, a merfolk kingdom off the eastern coast of Praetoria! The kingdom was beleaguered by a civil war that pitted brother against brother and sister against sister.
Musa Saline remained loyal to the royal family and their vision for a kingdom that welcomed all and fought against tyranny and oppression! Now she will lead my teams into glorious battles!
What about 1-Click Set Rentals! Splinterlands introduced the ability to list a set of cards for seasonal rental! Currently, there is a template of Chaos Legion Core and Reward cards available, which will be presented to new users after they purchase their Spellbook.
Where to find the sets? Go to the Market icon to click the Set Rentals tab, or use the Items icon to click the Card Sets tab.
Jump into the action by renting a full set of cards for Battle! All cards are owned by your fellow Battle Mages and all proceeds go directly to them! Each rental period lasts for the remaining time in the current season!
Let's talk about conflicts and Tofu? Tofu is the newest summoner that the Battle Mages can earn through Conflicts! The faithful feline is Faust's cat, an awakened tabby of supreme intelligence!
When Ahna-Chei fell to the demons of the Chaos Empire, Faust fled into the Bog of Wails. No fan of swamps, his felines scattered to drier pastures. Tofu, Miso, and Nori made their way to the Republic of Fireboro, where they've hatched a plan to restore their master as the rightful ruler of the Dark Eternals.
How's going so far? Got four chances so far and the estimate at the end is a max of 56 chances for Tofu! That's probably not enough... again!
Eternal Tofu is the Earth/Life legendary Tactics summoner. With Snare for all the team and +2 Health, it's a perfect counter to your opponent's fliers!
It can beef up your team's survivability significantly though boosts. On one side, you can give Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward to three units, or you can give Triage and Scavenger to one unit. You can soak up the damage while negating your opponent's armor, or hulking one unit like Grimbardun Smith, Rage, Mantaroth!
Didn't opened many packs after reaching the 100 Chaos Legion goal, as I added most Rebellion packs into Conflicts. However, I still unwrapped some Gladius Cases!
Brawls are large tournaments in which Guilds fight to earn Crowns! I spend them on gladiator packs and slowly improving my deck! The two packs I opened were quite juicy and even got a golden foil Sarius!
Let's dive into another crazy battle! Have a look at the line-ups and tell me who is winning this fight? You will agree that Larissa will smash my little league critters!
Only fifteen mana for team selection and three battle-rules that will make it even harder. No heal and true aim, plus Explosive Weaponry that gives Blast damage to all!
Mother Khala: +1 Health
Gargoya Scrappe: Melee
Vulguine: Melee with Scavenger
Baby Unicorn: Support with Strengthen
Moxian Rebel: Caster with Weapons Training
Pelacor Conjurer: Support with Flying
I went into the fight with a simple plan... boost my units so they survive for longer. It will hold the lines and let the casters clear the table. Both support cards turned into magical units, but then I've seen Larissa!
The Dragon Gladiator card has double-strike and will get stronger with every sip of bloodlust! It started bad for me as Larissa took out the Gargoya Scrapper and gone overpowered since round one!
Vulguine survived the blasts and was building health as the opponents where being eliminated. That rabid animal went up to four health points by the end of the round!
Four health wasn't enough to survive Larissa, and she engulfed in another dose of pumping bloodlust! Things are getting dire on the battlefield!
Larissa speed went high, and that could have been an issue. Fortunately, none of my units missed their attacks! See the full battle here!
Residual Income:
Airdrop Hunting: Layer3 / Mode / Blast / Linea
50% discount on Scroll Canvas: use code TFNWC
Content: Publish0x/ Hive / GrillApp
Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / ++Doctor Who++
Cashback Cards: Plutus Card / Crypto.com
$ZEC: PipeFlare / GlobalHive
PVM The Author - My Amazon Books
Slowly getting there with my hive dollars so can buy the starter set
When you do, get 3000 power and also do the tournaments, to grow quicker.
Right, I'll make a note of that.
You and your chances, still a lot to grow for a real chance. Try to buy cheap gold ones.
Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer
know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121