Slow recovery run | road to NN Marathon Rotterdam 2025


Hi all welcome back to my running blog! Here I keep you up to date with my progress towards the NN Marathon Rotterdam on the 13th of April. The positive reactions also help me stay motivated as at times (especially now during peak weeks) you will encounter some challenges. For me this week the main challenge is planning. During peak weeks you will do a lot of extra kilometers and it helps to spread them over multiple days.


This week I found myself short in time - not being able to run on monday and (probably Saterday) I needed to squize in more kilometers in 5 days.

My solution is doing 2 runs a day - which brings its own trade off (more fatigue, more results) making this an extra hard peak week!

Today I was not expecting to be able to run - but found a 30 min gap so I went for a very light recovery run. Where I normally try to keep the heartbeat below 140 bpm - I aimed at below 130 bpm today.

This recovery run has two benefits :

  1. Helps speed up blood circulation and remove LA from my blood and thus speed up recovery
  2. Add 5 kilometers to my weekly total meaning my sunday long run can be a little shorter (which is welcome with my new blisters ;) )

The run today was great! Perfect weather, good music and some time to reflect on the week. This evening (and probably tomorrow) I will give my feet some rest!

Happy running!



