Sunday long run 31 km | peak week 3 total 100km
Hi all, welcome back to my running blog!
Here I keep you up to date with my progress towards the NN Marathon Rotterdam 2025 that will be hosted on April 13th.
This last peak week was a bit difficult for me. My aim was to reach 90 km as a weekly total - but the months long training schedules did caused some doubts. I was a little short on time to run my scheduled runs so I did a few days with multiple trainings on the same day. The result was not only tired legs but also I found myself looking for shortcuts in order to reduce the distance that was left over for the sunday long run. I added some additional recovery runs so I could reach 90km even if I would just do a half marathon today… but that is not what peak weeks are all about! It is supposed to be hard.
Today I was able to motivate myself to push my boundries and do a real long run. I decided to move my weekly ambition from 90 km to 100 km. Which means I needed to run atleast 31.3 km. When I decided to go for that I knew I got it covered , so I decided to just enjoy the landscape and listen to some music.
One thing I am still struggling with is if I want to bring my hydropack with me to the marathon as I just carry an additional KG while I just don’t drink enough from it. The water bottles are 75% full after 31 km so it feels a bit wastefull the carry additional weight if I don’t use it right. The tradeoff is that I should drink more during the runs but old habits die hard.
Next week I will look into the distances fro the water stations on the event and try to make a plan!
Happy running!
That is nice of you
keep pushing! You'll get there no problem. !BBH
100Km??? you're a beast man! Is this your weekly record?
Hydropacks are extra weight and they also prevent your body from getting fresh air. Sub-efficient on every angle.
Thanks man! Yeah, new personal record there normally my peak week is 89-92km.
Yeah, I feel you are right, especially with aid stations every 5 km - I should be better of just taking the sportsdrink provided (aa isotonic lemon 👍👍). I will run this one without the pack! Tnx!