Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - Demented Shark Inspires And We Are Top Again!



Time flies! Just completed the 76th brawl with my awesome guild, which is none other than Pizza 2 The Deep Dish!

  • Fun In The Discord Chats

Really appreciated the interaction in the Discord chats within the Pizza guilds. During the preparation phase, there's a lot of information sharing and discussion on who to fill each fray. During the brawls, there were reminders to members to complete their brawl battles. And after the brawls, there were celebratory messages and some members (including me) would write about our experience in the brawls. Aside from brawls, I thought the donations were also very well organised and tabulated, with lucky draws to incentivise donors as well.

  • Staying In Bronze Fray

For this brawl, I decided to stick to what I fought in the last fray, which was Fray 6, which was 3/2/2/1. I felt I was starting to find my grove and this fray is neither too difficult nor too easy for me.

Had 7 battles this time and it was not an easy round, especially when they have recently introduced 3 rulesets for each battle. Moreover, I have rented out most of my cards because I was playing lesser these days.

  • We Got 1st!!!

So for the final result, we were 1st out of 10 guilds and got 1077 Merits and around 11 SPS! One of our best showing in recent times, thanks for two players that returned to participate in the brawls! Let's hope this continues!


Individually, I had 7 fights this time and I won 6 of them this time! Finished 2nd within the guild. Back to my near-perfect form!


Let's jump into the battles!

Battle 1 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Relenor Cleaver

Demented Shark led an all Water Melee lineup in this Opportunity battle and my opponent was totally out of place in this one. Hard hit all round and it's a little difficult to pinpoint the MVP, so I will give it to the Inspiring Demented Shark.

MVP: Demented Shark


Battle 2 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Ajax Lightfoot

Argh I dislike this kind of rulesets because they are so restrictive. Having only Ranged cards to use, General Sloan was a straightforward selection. The main difference between my lineup and my opponent's lineup was that I had cards that could attack from the first position. With that, Gargoya Devil earned its first brawl MVP! Well deserved!

MVP: Gargoya Devil


Battle 3 - LOSE

Gladius Card Used: Trapp Falloway

I lost a battle in the last brawl to an opposing Pelacor Conjurer and this happened again! Trapp Falloway was unable to hit Pelacor Conjurer and gain the Bloodlust in time and it was all over when my Gladius card fell.

MVP: None


Battle 4 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Trapp Falloway

12 mana battles with restrictive rulesets are always a test of creativity. Trapp Falloway redeemed himself in this interesting 12 mana and my opponent had no match, even for my Level 1 cards.

MVP: Trapp Falloway


Battle 5 - WIN

Opponent fled! Yay!

Battle 6 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Relenor Cleaver

It will always be difficult to beat me when I am using Water lineups and this was the case again. To be fair, my opponent's cards were just too weak even though they employed the right setup. Thanks to Demented Shark (again), my entire team of (almost) Melee cards were saved from Demoralise. A straightforward win.

MVP: Demented Shark


Battle 7 - WIN

Gladius Card Used: Captain Katie and Sola Ranjell

This was a tough, tough battle. I was quickly alerted to how powerful my opponent's Runemancer Kye was. Surprisingly, my Legendary tank Iziar fell first ahead the opposing tank Diemonshark. Captain Katie was supposed to hunt down the backline with Snipe but caught herself stuck with the opposing Djinn Oshannus was unable to gain any Bloodlust. Similar, Sola Ranjell's Magic attacks were neutralised by Djinn Oshannus as well. As the battle wore on, the opposing Runemancer Kye grew stronger and stronger with each Life Leech. Eventually, my team huffed and puffed, and Sola Ranjell's little healing every turn made the difference in the end as I scraped through this win.

MVP: Sola Ranjell


So that sums up my 7 battles for this brawl! 86% win rate, awesome result for me.

Review Of Gladius Cards

The Merits are coming in fast and I have enough Merits for my 35th Gladius case! Nothing much to see here, just a normal pack of stuff. That's the 5th Kotriphus Bayne so he moves to Level 2. Haha.


Previous Gladius Card Reviews:

  • Isgard Vorst and Katrelba Gobson - HERE
  • Witch Of Warwick - HERE
  • Orella Abadon - HERE
  • Bertrol Gobson - HERE
  • Relenor Cleaver - HERE
  • Trapp Falloway - HERE
  • Ajax Lightfoot - HERE
  • Chimney Wallstop - HERE
  • Krash Wanderford - HERE
  • Gorth - HERE
  • Sarius - HERE
  • Whistling Damon and Edith Emberstar - HERE
  • Palidon Rakk - HERE
  • Sola Ranjell - HERE
  • Alfredo - HERE
  • Cutter Brieze - HERE
  • Kotriphus Bayne - HERE

Brawl Reports Of Pizza 2 Guild And More!

If you are interested to follow the guild brawls of the Pizza guilds, feel free to check out some of the brawl reports below!

That's all I have! Let me know if you have any thoughts too!

As always, thanks for reading and have a pleasant day ahead!

If you are interested to sign up to play Splinterlands, my referral link is here.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
candnpg tipped relf87
@genming(3/10) tipped @relf87
vaynard86 tipped relf87
houhou tipped relf87
pandachef tipped relf87




Oh yeah! We are the champions!
