Introvert Talks - Falling And Picking Myself Up


"Introvert Talks" is meant to be a new initiative or theme, where I myself as an introvert, just talk about reflections and thoughts about my life, or maybe share more personal stuff. :)

This is my weekly post under this "Introvert Talks" theme and let's see where it takes me and us.

The past week has been tough and pretty stressful for me.

It was a combination of various factors and because some of these matters can be quite personal, I just didn't feel like sharing with people around me. Moreover, people were not in my shoes, so I was not sure if they could understand what I was going through, so I also thought it's a bit pointless to share.

Also, other than being a listening ear, I didn't think there's much help that people could offer to me because the issues were stuff that I just had to confront and resolve by myself.

Don't get me wrong, it's not horribly bad. I still have a shelter above my head, I still have my job, I still have food on the table, I still am able to pay my bills, etc. And I know we are supposed to be grateful and not take these basic necessities for granted, but it doesn't mean I don't have problems in my life and challenges that I need to overcome, and it doesn't mean I cannot feel stressed and down at certain points in my life.

Still, reflecting back, I thought there were some positives and I managed to surprise myself as well.

One, I didn't give up. Even though things got tough, and I was stressed up, I persevered on. I tried my best not to let my daily routines be affected. No matter how unmotivated I was, I still turned up for work, I still made sure errands got done, I still logged on to Hive to do my usual stuff, you get the point.

Two, music is so powerful. I remembered there was one night I was just feeling down then an idea struck my mind, which was to find some upbeat songs to listen to. And I went onto Youtube/Spotify to check out some of the music that I enjoyed, particularly the likes of OneRepublic and Kygo, and after a night of dosage, I felt so much better after that. And it was amazing because I never expected music to be so powerful.

Three, I clocked some life experience points. Someone once said, never let a crisis go to waste, and I have grown to appreciate this statement too. There's always learning points in both good and bad experiences, especially the bad ones, and I have managed to build my character and learn how to better deal with challenges in life should similar episodes recur.

Anyway, I am currently still in the midst of sorting out the issues, and the fact that I am able to pen this reflection post probably shows that I am in a better state of mind. I think humans after all are quite adaptable and resilient, and when we fall, we always pick ourselves up. And I am confident that I will be able to do so.

Thanks for reading my random reflection. Before I end, here's a photo of the dessert that I decided to treat myself today for surviving through the week. I had wanted to try this new dessert store the past few days but it had been raining in the evenings so it was inconvenient to get to the place. Fortunately, the weather held up today and I finally got to try this! Pretty good!



Nice write. I have had a tough couple of days and I just kept saying, A bad is not a bad life, and it seemed to have helped me feel better. On tough days music is also my go to. I dance for hours exhausting myself.
Truly there's always something to get from a crisis. Mostly a lesson and a reward in the process. I enjoyed reading this well done. Hopefully this week gets better


Thanks for the kind comment and the encouragement too! Have a good week too!
