Outnumbered but Not Outmatched: Small Monsters' Secret to Victory

Hello, Splinterlands warriors! Welcome back to this week's Splinterlands social media challenge!

This time, I want to share an exciting battle experience that made me quite proud. The theme of this match is how small-mana monsters can gang up on a legendary monster with the right strategy. This battle took place under the Need for Speed and Tis but Scratches rulesets, with a mana cap of only 14. The available elements were Water, Life, Death, and Dragon. With quick decisions to be made, I proceeded to select my lineup.

I chose a formation that might look simple, but turned out to be highly effective. My lineup consisted of Halfling Refugee in the first position, followed by Pelacor Conjurer, Uraeus, Vruz, and Naga Assassin. My opponent used Djinn Oshannus, the legendary Water element monster known for its high speed and Magic Reflect ability, supported by Vruz and Torrent Fiend.

The core of this strategy focused on numbers rather than individual strength. I knew that small monsters wouldn't be able to directly damage Djinn Oshannus due to the Tis but Scratches ruleset. However, this is where the Cripple effect played a crucial role. Even if each attack only dealt 1 damage, Cripple reduced the opponent's Health Point every time an attack landed.

What made this battle even more interesting was the poison effect from Uraeus. The small attacks combined with poison pressure gradually weakened Djinn Oshannus. Even though Djinn Oshannus managed to eliminate my monsters one by one, the poison slowly drained its life.

There was a dramatic moment when the opponent's Vruz fell in the front line, triggering the Martyr effect on Djinn Oshannus beside it. This stat boost made the battle even more intense, but the poison remained the key to victory.

If you're curious about how the battle went, you can check it out here:


In the end, even though my team consisted of low-mana monsters that were easy to take down, the strategy of leveraging status effects and the number of monsters proved effective against a legendary monster. This battle taught me that in Splinterlands, power is not just about high damage, but also about how we utilize every ability our monsters have.

For new players, this strategy can be a valuable tip. Don't underestimate small monsters, especially in rulesets like Tis but Scratches. Focus on status effects like Cripple, Poison, and Martyr—they can make a huge difference.

My advice is to always read the ruleset carefully and explore monster combinations that might not be commonly used. Sometimes, victory comes from the most unexpected strategies.

So, how about your experience with small monsters? Have you ever proven that the little ones can be heroes too? Share your story in the comments!

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