Hive is feeling the buzz $0.5 then moon?

Good evening, buzzers! It's been a rather cold start to the year, weather-wise at least. It would seem Hive is starting to heat up! I'm a little sloth on the uptake, but it looks like we hit $0.6, which is slowly falling back towards $0.5 already. Is this just a Sunday pump madness or the start of Hive's bull run 2025? What do you think, could we seriously see Hive going to $1, $10, $100 and maintaining a price point there, or is this just another 'pump' which will 'dump'. No I'm not calling Hive a pump and dump, come at me bro!


I've heard a lot of rumblings lately of a bigger uptake in users and fresh blood hitting the hivesphere! Let's hope this trend continues into 2025, and we really begin to see the potential of Hive, and its wonderful ecosystems.

Speaking of which, the slothbuzz community and token continue to tick along, although on a slightly different trajectory. Sloth was once focused on matching the token to the hive price, although in real terms, that doesn't make any sense. Why would people want a token whose primary purpose was holding its price to Hive? Why not just earn Hive? So, with some slothly thinking, yes, it's only taken a couple of years to come to this realisation. Sloth and steady wins the race, right? The focus will shift to making slothbuzz a viable asset in its own right. I mean, what sort of sorcery is that? Creating prosperity for the slothbuzz community using the community token! Why didn't I think of that?

I'm still pushing with the mindset of using the slothbuzz token and !SLOTH tip features for curation purposes, although I've recently had a brain wave and thought it might be better to open up the sloth tip to a more open tipping token again...maybe we should allow more !SLOTH spam and add a new slothbuzz tipbot for curation tipping, some !BUZZ. Buzz the content of your fellow sloths and get it highlighted in a curation post...oohh options. Sometimes, just writing down those crazy ideas can lead to more ideas.


Speaking of ideas, I'm still considering the future of 'slothburn'. I've already tried a few methods of giving it some real life, but each has its downfalls. For now I'm thinking of adding a HBD buyback, would this be at a set price, the current market buy/sell prices, I'm not sure. What I did realise with keeping the slothbuzz token at a decent Hive price was that people were 'farming' to dump. I mean, that's the main goal of most people: to earn as much as possible. I always thought of slothbuzz as a hodl token, to support and grow with your fellow sloths. Trying to get people to follow this mindset is the hardest to overcome. I can't change what people do, so why not change what the token does to play into it? With the refocus towards more slothbuzz prosperity than Hive-backed property maybe we could see some more hodlers.


I guess I've more work to put towards the awesome slothbuzz tipbot dev @hannes-stoffel. Open up the !SLOTH spam to Sloth +3 tags (like LOLZ, HUG, and BBH. Think of all those spam calls!). Add a new bot !BUZZ, use it to curate into an automated curation post (still from account). Both bots have voting enabled. Utilise Slothbuzz staked as a voting modifier, 10% vote for min, then 10% extra for every 10 Slothbuzz held by tipper (up to 50 for 50% max vote) PLUS 10% bonus to tippee for every SLOTHBUZZ held by tipee. thus meaning a max vote of 100% for 2 users with 50 SLOTHBUZZ tokens each!

I wonder if we could enable commentreward for the posts...then if people thank the bot for their sloth tip, they'll earn a share of the post rewards...does this help motivate holding or spamming/farming rewards, hmmm...But then, maybe the point is to allow max 'spam' of the token, allowing more users into the ecosystem...after all, the true goal is to give the token potential. If people farm to dump, it doesn't change the real value of the token and its power...

Not to mention the raffle that's still to come! Still need to work out the best way forward with that, looping back to the slothburn ideas, we could have the raffle in there..but how to link those together...if the slothburn account done a daily raffle...with...something as prize, maybe the hbd from the posts...then used the hbd the slothburn posts earned to buyback/burn tokens...or buyback at sell price, and give to winner of the raffle...hhmm...then we have prizes for raffles, a buyback of sorts (no burn though?) and hopefully allow those accounts to grow and further help the slothbuzz token and community...


Oh yeah, side-tracked as always! Sometimes I think the lights are on but there's no sloth at home. I wonder how many people actually followed the post of got lost in my ramblings, the joys of having my 'own' blog that I can shout into the wind with! Where were we,

Hive to the moon! Woo! Or something like that, insert cool slow moon image here (Why did I even write that instead of adding the image, it's not like this is a draft I'm coming back to, type them and send them, no time for slothin!)

Until next time,

Sloth out!


(Why did I even write that instead of adding the image, it's not like this is a draft I'm coming back to, type them and send them, no time for slothin!)

Exactly ... my motto for this year is Just Do It so type em and send em!

Interesting thoughts tho. It would be good to see the Sloth community getting active from the slothslumber and as for token purposes I am all in favour of Simple Is Best.

Happy New Year!


You know even after writing that, I forgot to add the image that I was planning on putting there. I'll stick to my !SLOTH madness approach!

The slothbuzz community is doing its slothliest. Lots of ideas, just slow on the uptake but we're starting this year with a buzz!

Today is the slothbuzz power up day, let's hope it brings some of those buzzy sloths out of hiding! (Especially when the token is in the middle of a flash sale by the looks of it!)


'Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated' - Confucius | Beautiful simplicity 🍃
