RE: Free to Play, Play to Earn? Are you ready to RAMPAGE?!?!
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Yeah kingdom karnage was their first game, been playing that for years. The games can take upto 20-30mins, this new game is similar except focused on faster paced games. Lasting 10seconds to about 3mins. Pretty fun tbh! And it's got some decent earning potential!
Okay half an hours is too long for me, 10 seconds looks a good time lol but 3 minutes is reasonable. Let me have a look after the footy!
Yeah their first game is a slow play, the new game has a lot more rampage! Nice fun game tbh, and they currently have the earnings side limited to 2 windows of 2 hours a day, you can play on the 'seasonal server' at all other times to earn more cards and build your deck. Playing with the 'nft server' you also earn ranking points and kkt tokens. These can be spent ingame for battlepass/card upgrades or withdrawn (then staked to earn more or sold and swapped to a token of your choice)
Free money and a pretty fun game! Best thing is the game earns from players playing via the audio ads. Therefore there's actually a pool of money growing to support it instead of relying on people paying money in.
I'd suggest digging into their ecosystem a little deeper. They even have a 'reward app' which you only have to listen to ads and earn tickets to a daily raffle for a £25 gift card (all legit!). Team is uk based so they work well with their UK players.