Keeping the spirit alive_my goals for 2025


Hello good people of emotions and feelings I'm really glad to be here participating on the last day of December inleo’s prompt.

With good spirit we have all come to the end of the month of December and at the same time the end of the year 2024.
It has a been a year of ups and downs, mixtures of sweetness and bitterness, losses and gains, good times and bad times, but here what made us different is that we didn't give up, we kept pushing, keeping our hopes high.

Therefore there are things everyone of us is expecting next year, it is good to always have agender and plans for the year, this helps us stay focused on the things we are supposed to do.

2025 is just at the corner, we have less than 24 hours to 2025. Yeah it is worth being happy but then you can't take the same step you took in 2024 to the next year if it wasn't good to you.
Although I have good plans that I wish and believe would be executed, 2025 is no joke so while hoping for the best I'm also expecting the worst because no one can tell what even the next hour carries, going into next year with this mindset will help me prepare ahead knowing that I can survive no matter the unexpected outcome.
I choose to stay optimistic because this year hasn't really been smooth for me personally, I know next year will be great, one of the best thing that has happened to me this year was joining hive blockchain. I mean this alone has given me the exposure I need to take on 2025 in a grand style, through hive I'm able to learn more about web 3 and it's unending opportunities, web 3 has the potential of changing anyone's life, I mean anyone it doesn't matter how and where you come from.
Hive has so impacted in my life in different ways, I make research crypto projects to gain more knowledge about it, I tried following trades and market trends, I now know how to sort my ways out on the web 3 world even without anybody's help.



3k hive power; as we about to move into next year one of my greatest goal on hive in boost my HP_hive power, last year was a mess, I was stucked and my HP was not growing, this goal I'm setting comes with a responsibility which I'm ready to take on. By the end of next year this same time, I will make a post reflecting on how far I have gone.

Pursuing my music career
This plan must be executed even unto the least of it, I'm passionate about music, my goal is to take a step higher next year by getting admitted into a music school.
I really don't know how it's going to happen but my plan is rigid and with strong motives, I know it will come alive.
The above goals are my sincere plans for 2025, every other thing is secondary.

With all things on place next year will be a great year.

Thanks for stopping by
I'm @sylvasticks
The second image is mine



Hi @sylvasticks 🙋

We see fit to make a recommendation regarding the use of sources. It is better when they contain the specific link where they were taken from, and not simply the home page of Pixabay or the author, as suggested by some posts on correct use of fonts. You still decide on your own content 😉.
