Winter's afternoon jaunt to last minute hospital appointment
Winter's afternoon jaunt to last minute hospital appointment
Come with me as we head on an enforced wee afternoon jaunt yesterday!
As some of you might be aware from my post Morning Glory: When 7 AM Sets the Tone for a Day of Pure Bliss before Christmas that I had to go to our local hospital for a couple of MRI scans at 8 o'clock on the Sunday morning before Christmas.
So on Friday I got a call from someone saying they had a cancellation at rheumatology dept for Tuesday at 3.30pm, was that ok. Sure I said, they said they would mail out a letter about it. Fine I said, but I doubt I would get it before the appointment on Tuesday!
Well said Lorraine, you know the Costa coffee shop in the hospital ... oh yes said I. Then go left to the outpatients registration reception and they shall tell you where to go!
Wonderful said I!
The one beauty about the local hospital is that all (well a majority of) buses go via there.
So this was the view from the bus stop, which is a five minute walk down murder hill.
The time was 2.36pm and the sun was already setting for the day.
St Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church Kirkcaldy
I love the metal gates and railings on this church. Funnily it was in the museum / art gallery that Mrs T does her crochet class did I see a recent exhibition that this church was here. It was I am pretty sure the first Coptic Orthodox church outside of Edinburgh/Glasgow in Scotland.
Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to the bus stop at the hospital.
We had to wait two minutes as some fluffing eejit was parked in the space for the buses.
I tell you common sense is not very common anymore...
I think common sense should be renamed to rare sense judging by so many people that exist on our planet!
There you can one of the buses in the bus layby after the eejit picked up his wife or partner or whatever she was. I mean there is a bloody pull in spot and pick up spot outside the main entrance, but oh no he waits there outside the maternity unit. Eejit, I know what I would do with people like that!
But wait do you see something silvery in the sky?
Yes it was the moon!
If you remember from the post of my last visit on the 22nd I took a shot of the moon at 9am, well here it is for comparison.
How cool is to see the other side visible!
Right but we had a 3.30pm date inside the kidney shaped building.
Our NHS National Health Service is fluffing brilliant and for the most part free.
Oh wow, there are people and lights on in the hospital!
I guess that is what happens when you aren't there at 8am on a Sunday morning!
The WH Smith shop was open! There was the Costa coffee shop Lorraine mentioned...
So a left turn I took and to the receptionist I went!
There was me the bottom of the left column ... Rheumatology and waiting room 2!
Which was here! Some damn comfy chairs they were too!
The view out of the window was overlooking one of the car parks.
I met an advanced physiotherapist who was really nice.
More blood taken and chest x-ray.
It had been 8 years since I last went and there were now some good biologic therapies for people like me. So they need to analyse my blood and stuff and see if I am suitable.
The MRIs identified there was active inflammation in my lower spine, no shock as that is what I told them. And that the neck and middle spine are pretty much fused and fucked hence no pain.
Self inject
It would mean administering injections to my thighs every two weeks which might or might not work, but hey if it works and I can sleep a whole night with no pain after 40 odd years I will take that!
She was also confident I picked up Crohn's disease along the way which I tried telling my local doctor but he thought I was mad in the head!
The great thing is that unlike doctors, here they listen to what the patients tell them, to quote her!
Luckily I managed to finish in time to hop on Mrs T's bus at 5.15
Then after a walk home, I was fluff it I want a treat!
You cannae beat British fish and chips on the coast! Battered haddock and chippie chips with oodles of brown sauce vinegar and salt.
@asiaymalay asked where was the food on my Saturday's Getting the Bishops Finger for Beer 🍺 Saturday post, well there you go have some fish and chips to make up for it!
This post is for #wednesdaywalk which was inspired by @tattoodjay
Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful new week! I hope the new year is bringing you everything you wished for.
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated. Note images are all snapped by me with my Google Pixel 9 XL Pro smartphone on 7th January 2025 and the second moon shot on 22nd December 2024 and four were used in canva to make the lead image.
@tengolotodo January 8th 2025
Great job! Keep up the good work! 👏 !STRIDE (Comment !STOPSTRIDE to stop receiving upvotes & STR)
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That's brilliant thank you, have a cracking day guys.
Hey @tengolotodo you are welcome.
Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘
Beautiful clicks😍
Anyway ,good luck on your appointment sir☺️
Thanks Mitch and Happy New Year to the Philippines, I hope you had a great Christmas break.
Yes sir where having a great Christmas hihi.
Happy new year to you☺️
Salamat 😁
It can be annoying when “smart” people are not “smart” enough to decipher that they are lacking. Your doctor was an A-hole.
Beautiful pictures as always Eddiewodo🥹… maybe we should open a business of selling “Common Sense”. I’m sure there are people who will pay big bucks for it
Now that would be a cool thing to do Deraa. Your generation is sorely need many buyers of it!
Stray bullet! 😭😭
okay @deraaa what the fluff is this Stray bullet?!?
It's a playful saying we have here in Nigeria. You know what it means for a person to be hit by a stray bullet? The person didn't see it coming. lol
So in our case, my "generation" collected a stray bullet lol. An insult they were not prepared for 😂
Oh ... no stray bullets intended..I only shoot straight and accurately.
They are good at listening to you in hospital, Doctors just tend to ignore what you are saying and go with what they thought before you even told them anything!
You got it in one.
At least I can go back and smugly tell him he was talking out of his arse, and while I am it, tell him that this is the test the hospital are telling him to do!
They get grumpy AF when they get put in place by the hospital. One of my doctors once after I got some stuff from the hospital kept going on about how he didn't think it was needed and I was like, well its fecking working!
lmao yeah you got that right. This one was a new doctor as we moved practices and had an attitude right from day 1. Grumpy AF is so very apt description.
I have a new one too. The old ones seem to be dropping out at an alarming rate!
Yeah we actually had our local practice close as the old ones retired and they could not get doctors to take it over! So now go slightly further away.
After such a busy day, your fish and chips treat sounds like the perfect way to unwind. Thanks for sharing this slice of your day, and wishing you a healthy and fulfilling new year ahead!
Yeah local fish and chips are always a great treat and the first ones of the year I have just realised.
Thank you and I wish you a happy healthy and prosperous new year ahead😎
I to love those gates, and your right common sense is sure far from common these days
I hope the treatment can help you and ease the pain
now I am craving fish and chips but here they are just not as good as there
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day
Thanks Jay,the gates are pretty cool. As for common sense yeah it is getting rarer and rarer!
Oh yes haddock in batter is something else!
Hope things are going good with you and wishing you a very Happy New Year.
Cheers all is going well
NOw I do think the fish and chips there is great, but and my wife who is British feels the same as me, after visiting NZ with me, she said the best Fish and Chips and Pies from that matter are in NZ :_)
I don't think I have ever seen this brown sauce before. The fish looks great though. people do pretty much whatever they want these days. Then they look at you like you are crazy when you call them out on it. It's horrible.
The brown sauce is pretty damn fine, and you guys don't really have anything similar.
I agree and to be honest it is getting worse!
Is it kind of like malt vinegar? It's like a balsamic? It looks thicker than I would expect.
Oh that was a great news! Hope it would goes well so you can have that rest!
Me too but it will be strange if it works,sleeping like a normal person 🤣
Common sense is not common indeed boss boss. Those kind of people can be very annoying.
They are more than annoying , I could slap them with a closed hand!
Yes of course boss boss. That slap will help reset their brains 😂😂
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Seeing those foods makes me feel full. Thank you😬😁. I was wondering why it is called a murder hill😂.
Hoping that those injections would work for you and you can have a peaceful night rest😌.
Hehe I had to include a shot of some food for you!
Ah well it is not even certain if I am suitable for the injections, but you never know.
Murder hill hehe because walking up it with bags of groceries is pure fluffing murder!
40 years with a pain?! It's a lifetime! The good thing: apparently they have an efficient health care system (having a doctor listen to you speaks very well of the hospital). I think you urgently need daily walks on the hot beaches of the Caribbean. I've heard that walking barefoot in the hot sand does your bones a lot of good. And I think it's also good for falling asleep ;). Hugs
Hehe yeah a lifetime of pain lol. You know something, over the years I have learnt to ignore pain, which sometimes is a problem if something else happens, I don't really feel it. Yes I do need some hot beach walks jeje you never know...
Doctors can be really well not good sometimes I' engaging with a lot of them for my various illness, not easy by the way the streets you photographed looks so nice , especially the houses.
Yes it is not easy engaging with some of those doctors! Thank you it is always fun to take pictures.
I hope that treatment works out well for you, Super Ed. And that the injections do their thing.
I hate it when doctors think they know everything and ignore what you say. It can be so frustrating. So it's great that you seem to be getting a better doctor.
And by the way I think you've given me a midnight craving for fish and chips hehe. So tomorrow I'll have to go out and look for fish and chips in Bogota lol.
Thank you Super Eli although the AS I have lived with for decades, it is more this new possible Crohn's disease or IBD that I think I have had for a year that I would like treated and sorted!
Ah well I hope you get some fish and chips today.
What a big hospital! It's so spotless, and they offer convenient food options that make it easy to grab a bite.🥹
Yes it is pretty clean and modern looking for a hospital.
@tengolotodo get well soon!
Thank you very much @luthis26
I focused on the Fish & Chips part of the story and realized I need to eat breakfast.
Double checked the times and that's a fairly tight bus route, it sounds like you didn't have to wait overly long at any of the stops.
Why do I got the feeling that you were more in there for Fish and chips rather than doing hospital stuff?
Glad the rheumatologist was able to offer some help, I know what it's like to live with inflammation every day of your life. I've had it since the COVID vaccine, and it's a daily struggle to keep it controlled and make it hard to sleep at times. I hope the biologic works out for you!
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