RE: Let's Play "Digimon World: Next Order" - 55 - Wizardmon Hunt
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The game feels seeing this, though I only briefly played the PS1 Digimon games, this looks just as fun and good as the others.
Using the Digimon to battle is always a fun time and I like having a variety to choose from.
You recommend this?
I recommend this game if you're a Digimon fan, but I won't recommend it if you don't have nostalgia for the series. I think it's a MUST PLAY if you like the original Digimon World game on the PS1, (the forst one, not 2 or 3,) because it's a direct sequel to that game. Mameo in Digimon World Next Order is actually the older version of the player character of DMW1.
I will definitely have to keep it in mind, if I get a chance.
My retro physical collection is growing in my home office, so I got to free up some time so I can play more of that, plus blog about more games I am yet to play!