It's Craft Time: Shark Masks Inspired by craftingwithreny


Hello, Crafters!

I guess it's my first time here so I'd like to first say hello and introduce myself. I'm a homeschooling mom of three, and while I'm no crafter-crafter, as homeschoolers we do quite a bunch of crafts and we love DIY's! When things get "boring" in the homeschool, we just go freestyle and tinker with paper, scissors, pens, and glue to create anything to the kids' gusto.

Crafting Inspiration From Hive

For our crafts, we usually find inspiration from Pinterest or any homeschoolers/education pages and now we are happy that we need not look beyond Hive to do easy activities with my small kids. I recently came about @craftingwithreny and found that her activities are so doable so one time, we just tried making one of her masks - the shark mask! She shared a printable version of the mask and that made it easier for us. All we had to do was cut, color, and put them together.

It's Craft Time!

In her blog, craftingwithreny shared a template of shark and lady bug masks, but both my kids decided to make the shark one.

Of course, Little Miss made hers pink, while Little Man colored his blue.

Blue for him.
Pink for her.

We printed the template on an A4 size paper and I knew that the coloring part will be "too much" for Little Man if he would use a crayon or coloring pencil. We decided to paint it instead.

Little Miss, on the other hand, put her own touch to the shark face by making it look more feminine. Apart from coloring it pink, she also drew cute eyelashes on it. Looks cute, eh?


At first, she tried to color the face with coloring pencils but eventually, she grew tired and used paint on the other parts as well.

After coloring, it was time to cut the parts of the mask. craftingwithreny's blog also provided the instructions on how to put the parts together. We just had to make sure we fitted the bands first on their heads before gluing the parts together.


Do you know Huggy Waggy? That blue creature from the game Poppy Playtime? The kiddos said the blue shark ended up looking like Huggy Waggy while the pink one looked like Kissy Missy. I think Kissy Missy is the female counterpart of Huggy Waggy.

The Same But Different.

Can you see how the simple drawing of eyelashes made a big difference to the sharks' faces?


Fitting Time!

These two were too excited to wear their new masks! Quickly after this photo they ran outside to show their new creation to their playmates.

Thanks again, @craftingwithreny! One arts session at the homeschool, done! We look forward to making more crafts from your blogs.

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