Thoughtful Daily Post || Home For The Holidays - For our VETS

Banner created in Canva | Image by Nandhu Kumar from Pixabay

Home for the holiday's has a different meaning for all of us I am sure. But what ever the reason... we all love to send holiday greetings, wishes, or... you know; phone calls. Coming from the mindset of a Veteran, this brings back a lot of memories. Let me explain...

--Every 28 Seconds--

When I was in Basic Training... I remember finding out that we were getting mail. That's right... mail from home! From loved ones, family, boyfriend or girlfriend. Something from the outside world, that we could touch... But here's the funny punchline. You are in Basic Training! You want to see that mail? You will do push-ups for every item you get! The bigger... the more push-ups! So... there was that. But it didn't matter about the physical training... it was a memory. One of both ellation from getting something from home. Mixed with... man this sucks doing these push-ups lol. If you've been there... you get it. But then you also understand that some of us... we are still out there. You know that once you are "in". You are never really "out". Brothers and Sisters for life. This is a memory that needs not be forgotten. So when we think about the holidays... any of them really. I just wanted to remind everyone to think about all the VETS that are still out there... serving, and protecting.

--Every 28 Seconds--

This was spurred by several conversations... from all of us at the Veterans & Blockchain Discord. These past few years have really been tough for all of us. From the virus, to finances... all the things that have happened to several of us on the blockchain. Goes without saying, that I think we all want a better 2023. There are various organizations that are in charge of various benefits for the VETs. But it never hurts to offer a more "human" or "I understand" mindset... first. So what we are trying to do, is help everyone remember we are still here. There's a CAV Token that you can purchase. There's a Veterans Community if you'd like to come visit? Maybe even join? You don't have to be a VET mind you... You could just come and show some support. Maybe you have a family member that is a VET. It would be a great way to honor them, by honoring another.

--Every 28 Seconds--

This is still me... Wes. On my main account. But this is also a Thoughtful Daily Post about something that certainly is thoughtful... keeping our VETs best interest at heart. Do you have a positive memory of the holidays? Are you a VET, and have had a similar memory like I shared up top? You are more than welcome to share with us... maybe post it in the Veterans Community. That alone, could be the beginning of an awesome memory. I have still been dealing with a lot of issues in my own world. But I am trying to dedicate a little extra time, to keep the fires burning for all things VETS. I hope to try and post another story soon... Hope you are all having a good week. The weekend is almost here... then Christmas is right around the corner! Much love my friends...

Almost forgot!!... I am setting all rewards to 100% Beneficiary for the vetfunding account. What's that you might say? From the cryptopen of @enginewitty :

Opera snaphot from this post

hv800 (1).png


Veteran images created by @inthenow

What are you thoughtful for, today?

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A special "Thank You" to all these wonderful folks that have shown their invaluable support! Without you, there would be no Thoughtful Daily Post



Snapshots from the Thoughtful Daily Post Curation and Badge Account wallets

We are all just beacons of light! How bright we shine... is up to us!

Video by Wokandapix from Pixabay

πŸ‘‡Your Personal Terminal InviteπŸ‘‡

Image from Hive Memorial Forest Community

Silver Blogger's graphic created by SoulFood



Veteran graphics by @inthenow

Used by permission from the @dreemport

Created by @definethedollar


Image created by @wwwiebe

Wes Lurking 250.gif

@wesphilbin was here...

All content is mine unless otherwise noted.

All photos are taken with Samsung Galaxy S9 or BLU G91 Pro

Editing Apps/Software Used: LunaPic | Pixlr | Snapseed

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