New Minnow in the Den after powering up HIVE for HPUD

Hello Hello everyone on the Hive blockchain and hello hello to anyone reading this who is not on the Hive blockchain!

October is here, the tenth month of the year.

On Hive, it has become a bit of an institution to power up some liquid $Hive on the first of the month for what is called Hive Power Up Day or HivePUD or even HPUD

Before we start there are two posts which I use as my post bibles for that month.

Firstly from @traciyork our HPUD Queen...
It's here! Hive Power Up Day for October 1st, 2023

and secondly from @hivebuzz our gamification experts and all round champion for notifiying us of our Hive acheivements... Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2023

What is HivePUD?

Hive Power Up Day happens on the first of every month. Those who are able to, take this time to power up some Hive, and/or cancel their power downs and pause trading/selling for the 24 hour span of the day.

That definition from Traci is bang on and if you want to know more on the origins of HPUD take a wee gander at ANNOUNCEMENT POST - Hive Power Up Day, July 1st 2021

So why do we even power up our crypto?

In this case we are staking our Hive, and we do it for a variety of reasons...

  • Earning more curation rewards
  • Earning "interest" by holding more Hive Power
  • Earn by delegating more from our higher Hive Power
  • to show we believe in Hive and the ecosystem

It does not matter if you use ecency, peakD, liketu, leofinance or any other front end to post to Hive, we all use Hive.

It does not matter if your favourite community is ecency, silver bloggers, amazing nature or leo finance we all Hive

That is a great thing about HiveFest it brings everyone together to represent Hive.

So today I write this post using the LeoFinance front end, because for this alt account I post financial and crypto related content including crypto gaming. Stuff which I would not post from my main account.

Have you used the LF front end?

It is way better than it was a year ago.
I like their wallets!

Let's have a wee look....
This is our default view when we click Wallet!

The observant amongst you will see on the right hand side 3 buttons. We land on the LEO view, now I am going to click the HIVE BLOCKCHAIN WALLET view ...

Well would you look at that, it has my HIVE financials and looking sexy in black I might add!

Back to the matter in hand ~ Power Up Time Baby

I have 10.135 HIVE available and I want to power up 10 of them!

So I click the circumflex button to the immediate right of the last E on the line and go for it!

Mission Accomplished!

10 Hive duly powered up and added to my bags of hive power taking them from 556 to 566 HP

Get in there!

But wait I thought! Is there not a change from red fish to minnow around the 566 HP mark?

Of course it is a change in vests I know, when we jump to the next level which for minnow is 1,000,000

Just to be sure I am going to power up 3 more HIVE to make it 13 HIVE powered up today!

Who says 13 is unlucky!!!

After that power up my account now is sitting pretty ..

I like what I received from hive buzz...

Woot woot I got this and am now a minnow on this account!

Next stop dolphin ... well that is one for the future.

Today though, I am happy to participate in HPUD and to help grow OUR Hive ecosystem and my Hive account!

Happy HivePUD everyone and enjoy October

Thanks for visiting @tengolotodo.leo 1st October 2023

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