[ENG/DEU] CryptoCompany CCD Voting Service: recently processed votes & activities

Authored by @PowerPaul



Here are the recent votes and the activities of the CryptoCompany Voting Service - which currently has 230,663.063 HP available.

Hier die letzten Votes und die Aktivitäten des CryptoCompany Voting Service - welchem aktuell 230.663,063 HP zur Verfügung stehen.

Just one more thing:

As always, I do all voting by hand and open/check each item manually. Please read the terms of use at https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. Voting is done with 100 to 80% Voting Mana - whenever the 100 is full, I start a new round - if the computer in front of me is running.

Nur eines noch:

Wie immer tätige ich alle Votes per Hand und öffne/überprüfe jeden Artikel händisch. Bitte lest die Nutzungsbedingungen auf https://cryptocompany.ceo/voter.php. Gevotet wird mit 100 bis 80% Voting Mana - immer wenn die 100 voll ist, starte ich eine neue Runde - sofern denn der Computer vor mir rauscht.

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Link: -and-back-to-days-again--e7s
Data: 180.14096103% priority. Paid 398.59038972 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 100.00% available voting mana) due to 60.14096103% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 14:13:44 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:55:48 (UTC).

No image found
Link: productivity-accomplished-a-lot-in-12-hours-f4g
Data: 179.19787711% priority. Paid 408.02122891 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 99.01% available voting mana) due to 59.19787711% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 03:31:15 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:56:58 (UTC).

Link: bbho-power-up-day-februar-2025-bitandi-eng-deu-stft29
Data: 163.89621032% priority. Paid 481.03789678 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 98.03% available voting mana) due to 51.89621032% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 19:55:13 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:57:20 (UTC).

Link: es-gab-eine-dampfnudel-zum
Data: 163.89621032% priority. Paid 481.03789678 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 97.05% available voting mana) due to 51.89621032% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 17:37:51 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:57:44 (UTC).

Link: qurator-s-photo-quest-or
Data: 145.08000000% priority. Paid 749.20000000 CCD for a voth with 10% (at 96.09% available voting mana) due to 25.08000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 06:32:16 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:58:17 (UTC).

Link: the-quora-op-bullies-have-not-gone-keep-your-eye-on-her-fpm
Data: 142.93675919% priority. Paid 610.63240806 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 95.91% available voting mana) due to 38.93675919% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 20:46:59 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:58:55 (UTC).

Link: there-is-no-weak-summoner-7i5
Data: 142.92675919% priority. Paid 610.73240806 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 94.96% available voting mana) due to 38.92675919% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 19:49:51 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 21:59:37 (UTC).

Link: moon-karts-my-new-kart-preset-and-my-first-race-with-drift-the-new-promo-card-airdrop-for-pre-sale-buyers-engita
Data: 140.64328424% priority. Paid 793.56715760 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 94.01% available voting mana) due to 20.64328424% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 10:19:58 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:00:01 (UTC).

Link: art-in-transit-a-unique
Data: 140.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 93.08% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 13:40:16 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:00:30 (UTC).

Link: a-satisfying-bowl-of-hakka
Data: 140.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 92.16% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 12:31:54 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:01:03 (UTC).

Link: my-hive-goals-for-the
Data: 136.60684940% priority. Paid 833.93150600 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 91.24% available voting mana) due to 16.60684940% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 00:41:50 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:01:31 (UTC).

Link: making-more-cash-from-legos
Data: 127.50000000% priority. Paid 925.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 90.33% available voting mana) due to 7.50000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 19:04:29 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:01:54 (UTC).

Link: social-media-challenge-or-my-c64b7292e45d8
Data: 126.70535394% priority. Paid 852.94646058 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 89.44% available voting mana) due to 14.70535394% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 18:46:08 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:02:48 (UTC).

Link: grateful-for-our-daily-and
Data: 126.20998951% priority. Paid 937.90010494 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 88.55% available voting mana) due to 6.20998951% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 18:58:01 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:03:10 (UTC).

Link: splinterlands-social-media-challenge-skok
Data: 121.02000000% priority. Paid 989.80000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 87.67% available voting mana) due to 1.02000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 16:12:09 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:03:35 (UTC).

No image found
Link: enptbr-my-strategy-for-attacking-the-opponents-backline-2we
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 86.80% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 13:09:31 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:03:59 (UTC).

No image found
Link: opening-2-yixns-trinkett-ii-with-luck-in-golem-overlord-eok
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 85.94% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 13:33:18 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:04:21 (UTC).

No image found
Link: meet-olivia-of-the-brook-acy
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 85.09% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 13:53:27 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:04:47 (UTC).

No image found
Link: growing-my-epic-card-collection-in-rising-star-game-bsq
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 84.24% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 14:16:03 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:05:14 (UTC).

No image found
Link: enptbr-one-of-my-strategies-for-the-noxious-fumes-rule-5fu
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 83.41% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 12:50:43 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:05:39 (UTC).

No image found
Link: opening-gladius-cases-in-splinterlands-dcv
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 82.58% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 13:39:06 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:06:02 (UTC).

No image found
Link: increasing-the-number-of-fans-by-opening-packs-h71
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 81.76% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 13:56:25 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:06:31 (UTC).

No image found
Link: opening-chaos-legion-packs-evz
Data: 120.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 80.95% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 14:22:28 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:06:59 (UTC).

Link: chasing-forgotten-dreams
Data: 118.00000000% priority. Paid 940.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 80.15% available voting mana) due to 6.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 22:39:05 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:07:34 (UTC).

Link: splinterlands-legendary-cards-from-the-rebellion-reward-set-1-engde
Data: 114.76000000% priority. Paid 852.40000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 79.35% available voting mana) due to 14.76000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 20:06:06 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:08:14 (UTC).

Link: opening-ten-new-packs-of
Data: 113.25000000% priority. Paid 987.50000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 78.57% available voting mana) due to 1.25000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 23:41:35 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:08:48 (UTC).

Link: love-your-wife
Data: 108.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 77.79% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 07:25:26 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:09:14 (UTC).

Link: it-s-pepe-poooool-day
Data: 107.00000000% priority. Paid 930.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 77.02% available voting mana) due to 7.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 18:12:46 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:09:40 (UTC).

Link: the-power-of-attack-speed-a8025fea34a11
Data: 104.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 76.25% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 02:21:37 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:10:05 (UTC).

Link: axie-infinity-atias-legacy-gameplay-and-economy-high-expectations-enpt-8gz
Data: 101.00000000% priority. Paid 990.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 75.49% available voting mana) due to 1.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 16:35:40 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:10:29 (UTC).

No image found
Link: moar-millyaires-and-frog-cards-bsc
Data: 100.00000000% priority. Paid 1000.00000000 CCD for a voth with 50% (at 74.75% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 21:08:25 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:10:54 (UTC).

Link: secret-n-275-the-five
Data: 100.00000000% priority. Paid 300.00000000 CCD for a voth with 15% (at 74.00% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-20 22:19:19 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:11:15 (UTC).

Link: secret-n-276-the-five
Data: 100.00000000% priority. Paid 500.00000000 CCD for a voth with 25% (at 73.79% available voting mana) due to 0.00000000% discount.
Ordered at 2025-03-21 11:28:25 (UTC), processed at 2025-03-21 22:11:47 (UTC).

Any questions?

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day &
thank you for being here!

See you later in the comments &
be a Hivian, make the best out of the your day!





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Thanks for the curations.

